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'Say a Little Prayer'Muestra

'Say a Little Prayer'

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DAY TWO: Grace Poured Out

Scripture: Luke 15:11-24, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Hebrews 4:16

Sharing the same faith was a point of deep connection for me and Aretha, and one of the most powerful moments in the film draws upon this connection. Despite all the success in her life, Aretha had her own inner battles. After a particularly bad drinking binge, she hits rock bottom and cries out to God for help. Through a mess of tears and desperation she asks God to intervene. And what happens? Her prayer is answered. 

Thinking of my own faith journey and moments in my own life where I’ve desperately prayed for God to come through connected me deeper to this pivotal moment in Aretha’s life. Amazing Grace is tenderly sung over her, the words pour out cleansing her wounds, washing away the shame, taking away the guilt. 

Amazing grace

How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now I’m found

‘Twas blind, but now I see.

In this moment Aretha is given a new life, a rebirth. In this moment she experiences the transforming power of God. In this moment, Aretha is held by the compassion of Jesus. 

There is a complete breakdown of barriers in this scene, a raw and powerful vulnerability. Remember, Aretha had experienced a lot of pain and abuse in her life and had built up walls to protect herself. But these things actually harmed and alienated her. In her anger, she had pushed away the people closest to her, exploding with anger and avoiding emotional intimacy. After being hurt so deeply, and betrayed so badly, how could she trust again? How could she heal? How could she change? By God’s grace.

God used the image of Aretha’s mother- a powerful source of love and safety for her- to communicate His unrelenting love. In this tender embrace, she finally lets herself go. The tears flow, the walls come down, her heart is exposed… and she is met with the wide, warm, and never-ending grace of God. This low moment in Aretha’s life lifts me up in a profound way. No matter our past, no matter our present, no matter our pain, no matter our fear, the arms of Jesus are open for all of us right now. Close your eyes and picture this Amazing Grace being poured over you… washing away shame, taking away guilt, giving you new life.

Remember, the grace of God is wide, warm, and never ending. Today, let yourself be held in this truth. Today, feel the embrace of Jesus breaking down walls and healing your wounds. It was true for Aretha. It was true for me. And it can be true for you, too.

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