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A Book Called You

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The Observer

Even if you’ve never been to a church, you’ve probably seen the Bible verse John 3:16 at a football game, basketball game, or baseball game: “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” This amazing verse is part of a conversation that takes place one night between Nicodemus, a brilliant man, and the only person who can save mankind, Jesus Christ.

I believe that Nicodemus is an Observer. Jesus Christ is going to try to get Nicodemus out of his head and into his heart. And that’s where the idea “born again” comes from. Nicodemus learns that he cannot think his way into heaven. He would never experience the life that God had for him unless he was born again.

If you’re an Observer, God has given you a beautiful mind. You’re a deep thinker, and you are loved and appreciated, but you have to get in contact with your heart. Because despite what you think, if you’re an Observer, you do have emotions and feelings. How do I know that? Because Observers who are scientists tell us no human being ever makes a decision without emotion. Though it’s difficult to observe emotions in the Observers, they’re there. You just can’t see them clearly. Trust me, Observers, you’re not Mr. Spock. You have a heart, and you need to get in touch with it.

The story of Nicodemus begins like this: “There was a man named Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee” (John 3:1). Nicodemus was world renowned for his intelligence. He was brilliant, a mind above almost every other mind. He was a Jewish religious leader. But not just a leader—he was one of the leading Pharisees. Nicodemus was a very powerful person, and he was brilliant.

When Nicodemus, one of the most educated individuals and accomplished leaders in Israel’s history, came to speak with Jesus, he addressed Him as Rabbi. He acknowledged Jesus’ brilliance. “‘Rabbi,’ he said, ‘we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are evidence that God is with you’” (John 3:2).

What do the Observers do? They watch the world we live in, they make observations, and they take note of them. Nicodemus said, “Your miraculous signs are evidence that God is with you,” to which Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God” (3:3).

Nicodemus said what an Observer would say, “‘What do you mean? How can an old man go back into his moth er’s womb and be born again?’” (v. 4). He knew that was impossible. He wouldn’t fit.

“Jesus replied, ‘I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit’” (v. 5). What was Jesus talking about?

Think about this: What happens right before you’re born? Have you ever experienced that? I can tell you because I was there for my first child’s birth. Tammy felt birth pain. She told me it was time to go to the hospital. We panicked and rushed to the hospital. The doctors checked her out, and they said, “No baby today; she’s not cooked yet. You need to go home.”

We were frustrated, and Tammy was hungry, so we went to a restaurant called Coco’s. Tammy stood up to go to the bathroom and said, “Oh no, it happened.” Her water broke. And let me just tell you this, young men: it’s not a small amount of water. We got into a van, and she was like a hose.

So when you’re born, the water breaks. You are born of water, and then guess what happens? You come out into the world.

There’s only one person who can get you to God, only one way to heaven. For the past twenty years, I’ve driven past a building with “Palm Readers” on the sign out front. Recently I noticed that sign had been changed to “Spiritual Guide.” Be very careful about who you choose for a spiritual guide because if you choose the wrong one, that person will not lead you to heaven but straight to hell. Don’t believe someone just because they claim to be spiritually wise.

Nicodemus was supposed to be a spiritual guide for Israel. He was the best they had. He was the smartest, and he could write Hebrew forward and backward. He knew Greek, and he could speak Aramaic. He was brilliant beyond brilliant— and he was completely missing it. He was looking at the world as he understood it, and Jesus told him you can’t observe your way into heaven. Have you been born again? If not, accept Jesus today. Don’t miss out on heaven!


Describe your salvation experience?

List friends and family who need to be born again.


Lord Jesus, lead me to someone today who needs to hear about Jesus.


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A Book Called You

These five daily devotions are based on Matthew Stephen Brown’s book, A Book Called You. Learn to be the person God created you to be. He wants to set you up for a life of love in which you not only believe that God loves you, but you actually live like it.
