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Seek Muestra


DÍA 14 DE 21

Day 14

Bob Sorge

Topic: Peace for Our Families

Scripture Reference: John 16:13


Chris and DeeAnn Abke were feeling overwhelmed by a looming financial challenge. In desperation, they took some time late one evening -- after settling their kids into bed -- to seek the Lord’s help. As they sat together on their living room couch, making their petitions known to God, suddenly an audible voice began to speak, “If you need help, call 9-1-1. If you need help, call 9-1-1.” They heard the voice say this about four or five times, and then it stopped. Mystified, Chris and DeeAnn just looked at each other. The voice seemed to be coming from the garage, so they cautiously opened the door and flipped on the garage lights, not sure what they would find. Everything was in its place except for a small toy ambulance, belonging to their son, that lay by itself in the center of the garage floor. Chris picked up the ambulance, pushed a button next to its emergency lights, and the voice began to speak, “If you need help, call 9-1-1.” As they wondered aloud how the toy had activated of its own accord, suddenly the Holy Spirit seemed to nudge Christ with these words, “If you need help, call 9-1-1 -- Psalm 91:1.” Going back to the Scriptures, the verse had an entirely new meaning to them as they read it together: “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Chris and DeeAnn understood this as a divine invitation to renewed devotion in their secret place relationship with Him. If they would seek first the intimacy of abiding in the presence of the Almighty, the Lord would direct the supply of their financial needs. I share my friends’ story with you because I’m persuaded the power of heaven is unlocked when we devote ourselves to the secret place of the Most High.

You may relate to my friends, Chris and DeeAnn, where you find yourself in circumstances that leave peace just beyond your grasp. The peace within our families ebbs and flows according to the season; but when we run to the secret place, our peace is renewed, restored, and implanted in steadfastness. Peace comes from hearing the voice of God in the secret place.

In our Scripture for today, Jesus says, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” The Holy Spirit hears the words coming from the mouth of the Prince of Peace, and He makes them known to us. When peace within your family seems out of reach, run to the secret place and hear the voice of the Spirit of truth guiding you into all truth. I exhort you, flee to the secret place! Let the voice of God wash your heart-mind with His word of truth, and ask the Prince of Peace to rule over your family.

Take some time and pray.

Jesus, wash my heart-mind with Your word. I calm and quiet my soul right now to hear Your voice. Spirit of Truth, guide my family into all truth and make known to us the words that come from the Prince of Peace. I ask that our families be characterized by an abiding presence of peace in all circumstances. We find our refuge under the shadow of Your wings. O Prince of Peace, would Your tender voice pierce through the noise of the tempest before us.


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SEEK is a season at Radiant Church where we minimize the distractions and routines of our lives to hear God’s voice and focus on what He is saying. When we turn down the volume, it has the supernatural effect of turning up the volume of God’s voice. We encourage you to intentionally spend time praying and fasting, remove a comfort that consumes your time, and dedicate to seek God's face.
