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The Last WeekMuestra

The Last Week

DÍA 5 DE 7


Then the detachment of soldiers with its commander and the Jewish officials arrested Jesus. They bound him and brought him first to Annas, who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest that year. Caiaphas was the one who had advised the Jewish leaders that it would be good if one man died for the people. John 18:12-14

From there, Jesus stood before the high priest Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin. Caiaphas declared Jesus a blasphemer, and soldiers spat in Jesus’ face (Matthew 26:57-68).

During Jesus’s trial, Peter, who was in the courtyard, denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed.

The entourage of people followed as Jesus was taken to trial before Pilate. Pilate could find no reason to sentence Jesus, as He was out of his jurisdiction. Pilate sent Jesus to Herod (Luke 23:1-7).

Herod had wanted to see Jesus hoping to witness a miracle. However, when he questioned Jesus with no response, He and Pilate joined in on mocking Jesus. Pilate said they would punish and release Jesus, but the crowd became a mob of angry people who shouted to release Barabbas. Under the pressure of the people, Pilate caved to their demands and sentenced Jesus to death (Luke 23:8-24).

Roman soldiers beat Him without mercy and led Him off to Calvary, where He was nailed to a cross, mocked, beaten more, stripped of his clothing, crowned with sharp thorns, and stabbed with a sword in His side.

While on the cross in agonizing pain, He forgave one of the two criminals sentenced to die. He also called out to the Father to forgive those who did not realize what they were doing. Around 3:00 PM, Jesus gave up His spirit, and the earth quaked, and the veil to the temple tore in two. He was buried in a cave that was sealed and guarded.


I don’t think it is possible for anyone to truly grasp all the emotions, hurt, anguish, pain, torture, humiliation, and suffering our Lord endured. All this and He did it willingly to line up with the will of Father God! He was beaten beyond recognition and died to take on our sin.

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The Last Week

I will never forget the last week of my husband’s life on earth or the suffering he endured silently. I will never forget his last breath, the deep sorrow I felt while having peace in my heart that his life was just beginning! As we are in the season of Easter, join me on the journey of Jesus’ last week on earth that brought hope to the world!
