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Overcoming our traumas

We all have wounds within us as a result of some negative experience that we find difficult to overcome. Sometimes we think that we are the product of that pain, and that we must carry that experience for the rest of our lives. So we live traumatized, clinging to things that do not allow us to move forward.

Today I have good news: God wants us to overcome our traumas!

In Genesis 37, we read the story of Joseph, a young dreamer who faced many traumatic situations in his life. Envied by his brothers, he was sold as a slave to the Ishmaelites and then to Potiphar, far from his homeland. He was falsely accused and imprisoned.

Joseph had every excuse to be angry with God, yet he was not, and overcame that which was intended to mark him for life. Joseph kept his faith and his focus.

Through his story we can remember that even when others try to harm us, God can use that situation to bring about good. Nothing in this world can limit what God will do in, with, and through us.

Wounds are the fruit of sin that exists in this imperfect world, but God has the power to intervene in the midst of every situation and bring life. Our challenges have the potential to be transformed into testimonies of His grace.

How do we overcome our traumas?

Joseph did two things to achieve this:

1. He clung to God's plan for his life.

Even as a slave and prisoner, Joseph did not lose sight of the dream God had shown him. He was the best slave and servant and gave his best in every context in which he found himself.

2. He learned to forgive

When his brothers came before him, Joseph did not take revenge, but acted with mercy. By forgiving, we let go of what the enemy wants to use to steal our purpose and potential.

That we are healthy is important to God, not only physically, but also spiritually and emotionally. To enter into what he has for us, our wounds need to heal. We will not get very far if we go forward with open or infected wounds.

God wants to heal our inner self and he will do it through confession, community, and prayer. When you talk about your traumas and work on them in the right context, surround yourself with people of faith who will stand with you and lift your arms, and involve God in your life, he does what is beyond your strength.

In Christ, our portion is freedom. You are not your pain, you are not your past, nor your sin. You are not your mother or your father, nor are you your failure. You are a child of God, and you can overcome the traumas because his wounds paid the price for your freedom and healing. Don't live according to your wounds, live according to his!

Prayer: Father, help me to focus on you, to see the cross for what it is: the complete and perfect work of Jesus Christ. Help me to let go of the pain of that offense, the resentment of that mistreatment, that which limits me. Holy Spirit, I ask you to dry my tears and encourage my spirit. Thank you that you bring healing to my life. Amen.

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