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Gracious Jesus 5 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 3Muestra

Gracious Jesus 5 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 3

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Gate to Life

People go through challenging journeys to discover new lands. Jesus tells us the supreme and grandest destination of all is available to those who choose to pursue it. The journey however, may not be one many choose to traverse. The choices we make in the journey of life determine our eternal destination!

The biggest choice is deciding which “gate” to enter. It is the choice to believe and follow Christ for the rest of our lives as His disciples. The “narrow” gate means constricted, not easy to enter and uncomfortable. Choosing Jesus as the “only” way in a world of excessive tolerance is certainly not popular. The “broad” gate, on the other hand, is popular, easy and more comfortable and acceptable.

Let’s see Christ’s perspective on these gates and the journeys they lead to.

The Broad Gate

The “broad” gate can be entered with lots of baggage. It does not provide restrictions but accommodates a variety of beliefs. Many, therefore, enter through it. However, its philosophy is unsound and misleading.

· Unsound

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires”. 2 Timothy 4:3

· Misleading

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to death”. Proverbs 14:12

The Narrow Gate

It may appear restricted. One will not be able to carry all baggage, and beliefs, but will need to be selective. However, it is a “Gate of Righteousness“ and leads to the “Way of Holiness”.

• Gates of Righteousness

Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the LORD. Psalm 118:19

• Way of Holiness

“And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way. The unclean will not journey on it; wicked fools will not go about on it.” Isaiah 35:8

The Choice

Many Christians want to “have the cake and eat it too”. They want a life on their own terms with a great destination. Jesus promises soul prosperity and joy. The “narrow” road is not all thorns, it has its surprises as well. The joy of walking with Jesus surpasses any difficulties that we may encounter. It has to be “tasted” to understand it.

Have I truly left the baggage of my past and worldly desires behind? Am I aligning with the path of obedience to our Lord Jesus, and enjoying its unique blessings in this world?

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Gracious Jesus 5 – Kingdom Lifestyle Part 3

Some choices and decisions catapult our lives in a positive and productive direction. They bring lasting benefits for us and those we love. Bringing His “Sermon on the Mount” to an impactful finish, Jesus highlights just these powerful life principles. He also introduces attitudes of the mind and heart towards us and others that change our perspectives and bring about long-term benefits – for eternity.
