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I Am Clear on My Purpose: A Morning Meditation Series by BwfwomanMuestra

I Am Clear on My Purpose: A Morning Meditation Series by Bwfwoman

DÍA 10 DE 10

This might be Day 10, but it’s only the beginning of another level of opportunity for us!

Thank God for His infinite wisdom and the unfolding of His plan. He knows to become fully concentrated, time and process are necessary. We can also thank God for His encouragement along the way, restoring us as we go. As your peace grows, your joy grows, and your spirit grows, you’ll be solidly rooted in the truth that God restores, and He will complete the good work He started in you.

As we go into our “next,” here are a few of God’s promises to hold onto through the process of your purpose. When you hold fast to God’s promises, you remain in the process—and when you remain in your process, you experience restoration.

Three of God’s promises:

  • God was with you in the beginning, and He will be with you through the end.
“God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” Hebrews 13:5
  • God will strengthen you to make it through the middle.
“…but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31
  • What God has spoken and released in your life MUST occur.
“…so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

There’s a common theme between the three scriptures above: they all demonstrate that God is the Author and Finisher concerning us, regardless of any “messy middle” we might have experienced. He’s been with you from the beginning and will never leave you; He will renew your strength to make it through, and the Word He has spoken over your life will manifest in your life, perfectly and completely. What God started, God will finish!

Growing up in church, I always heard the Word of God but didn’t always know how to apply it to my life practically. I knew I was supposed to believe in God but didn’t know how to overcome the doubtful thoughts running through my mind daily. I knew I was supposed to have faith that things would happen in God’s timing, but I couldn’t control my impatience.

Through His grace, God lovingly revealed the practical application of the spiritual, showing me what I was responsible for and relieving me of the things that only He could do. The relief was palpable, and I was finally able to relax.

So, what’s left for us to do? What should you and I do now that we are committed to our purpose and understand our role? There are three practical actions for you to take while God directs the spiritual in your life:

1. Praise God. All blessings flow from God, and when you praise Him, the Bible says that your praise invites the Spirit of God into your life. Choose to practice appreciation and gratitude, giving the glory and praise to God. Practice giving thanks, even for the small things—especially for the small things!

2. Practice Obedience. Obedience opens the door for God to manifest the blessings of your purpose in your life. The manifestation of a thing is always richer in reality than in your imagination. Ask God to show you any area in your life where you need increased obedience. Decide today to be obedient to God’s Word. Obedience gives you the discipline necessary to maintain the blessing when it arrives.

3. Be still. Be still before God. Know that He IS God and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Seeking God will give you the peace and the patience you need for the wait, as well as for your necessary development. Our whispered prayer is for a fully developed purpose, one that is ready and able to be a blessing.

Today, look beyond yourself, any “messy middle,” beyond your past and even your dreams, and see God’s amazing present and future for you, His peace for you, His joy, and His love for you. Choose Him. Become even more passionate about your purpose. Embrace His truth concerning you and enjoy fulfilling your God-gifted purpose.

Today’s Affirmation:

I am experiencing a fresh anointing from God today; my God is moving, and I am aware. I am fulfilling my purpose through Christ, who strengthens me. My Heavenly Father has released a powerful gift in me, elevating me into my purpose, and I’m standing on His promises. I will see God’s goodness in my life today and every day of my life. I give God the glory right now because He is worthy. I experience overwhelming gratefulness for the beauty I enjoy; it is all because of the graciousness of my God. I am blessed.

Question of the Day:

In what area do I need to increase my obedience to develop the discipline to manage my purpose effectively?

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Día 9

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I Am Clear on My Purpose: A Morning Meditation Series by Bwfwoman

This compilation of daily devotionals centers on the affirmation “I AM Clear on my Purpose” by BWFwoman. Enjoy a new opportunity to meditate on the Word of God through this series of purpose-centered devotions and “I AM” affirmations designed to help you be clear on God’s purpose for you.
