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Leadership: The Top 5 Success Principles of JobMuestra

Leadership: The Top 5 Success Principles of Job

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1. Sexual Purity

Of all the business and leadership principles outlined by Job, first on his list of Top 5 is sexual purity. In fact, fully twenty percent of Job 31 is about this one principle (ref. Job 31:1-4, 9-12).

Given Job’s tremendous leadership success in business, you might think his first principles might have to do with finance or perhaps management, but that is not so. Instead, Job firmly nails down sexual purity as his primary principle for life, leadership, and even business success.

Job’s choice of sexual purity as his first principle should actually come as no surprise; after all, sexual infidelity has brought about problems to plenty of entrepreneurs and businesspeople throughout history, right up to today.

One of the earliest biblical examples of this is Abraham sleeping with his wife’s maidservant to “help” fulfill God’s promise to father a great nation (Genesis 16). Instead of fathering only the nation of Israel as God had planned, Abraham also fathered a range of Arab nations through his action. The consequences of that action are still apparent today.

Beyond Abraham, the Old Testament is replete with examples of sexual sin, each moving an otherwise godly leader away from God and His plans for their success. This list includes ordinary men and women, but also some of God’s “favorites” like King David and his son Solomon (2 Samuel 11, 1 Kings 11:1-13)

Sexual sin is a big deal, and can seriously impair one’s leadership, as well as God’s ability or desire to bless that leadership. Here’s how Job starts off describing his principles about sexual purity:

I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman. – Job 31:1

Now, compare his words to those of Jesus – the only other use of the word “lustfully” in the NIV version of the Bible:

But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. – Matthew 5:28

And this is not only for men! The Apostle Paul explicitly wrote about the importance of sexual purity for men and women in his letters to all but one of the churches he addressed in his New Testament letters.

Job’s first principle in life, leadership, and business was sexual purity. Although it seems off-topic to eventual success and is no longer taboo in many circles, God’s will on our sexual purity has never changed.

As you look for the blessing of God in your life, leadership, or business, your first step is to follow His principles, not the practices of the world, and that means sexual purity.

Reflection / Application

  1. Has your leadership or success been compromised because of sexual sin?
  2. How does the principle of sexual purity fit into your top ten list of business and leadership principles?
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Leadership: The Top 5 Success Principles of Job

Job is one of the more difficult (or comforting!) books of the Bible, depending on your situation. But right in the middle of the book, Job outlines his secret for success. This study examines his Top 5 business & leadership principles based the text dedicated to each. These Top 5 took Job from "Total Loss to Double Success", in good standing with God Himself. Read and see...
