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Miracles | Midyear Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration (Family Devotional)Muestra

Miracles | Midyear Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration (Family Devotional)

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Ask your kids: “Do you remember receiving instructions from us when we left you for a while on your own? What did we say?” (Share why you gave those instructions.)

Like us, Jesus also gave His disciples some instructions before He had to go back to heaven. Let’s find out what He told them.


He said to them, “Go into all the world. Preach the good news to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who does not believe will be punished. Here are the miraculous signs that those who believe will do. In my name they will drive out demons. They will speak in languages they had not known before. They will pick up snakes with their hands. And when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all. They will place their hands on sick people. And the people will get well.” When the Lord Jesus finished speaking to them, he was taken up into heaven. He sat down at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere. The Lord worked with them. And he backed up his word by the signs that went with it. Mark 16:15–20

Jesus told His disciples to go and proclaim the gospel not just to the Jews, but to all kinds of people. This is a very important task because God wants everyone to know Him and for His kingdom to advance. God’s kingdom is not about a specific place. In fact, His kingdom is among all those who recognize Jesus as King, put their trust in Him, and obey Him.This means that His righteousness, peace, and joy is seen in everything we do. When you look at your school, office, or community, there are many people who still need to hear the gospel. Today, God is partnering with us, His people—you and me—to do this work. Just as Jesus did not leave the disciples empty handed, His promise still stands today. The Holy Spirit is still at work, and signs and wonders will accompany wherever His word is preached. May this make us bold as we continue with this task.


As a family, think of how you can be witnesses of God’s miracles so that He would be known by the people around us. Act in confidence that the Holy Spirit will work as He did with the early church. Pray and ask God for His leading in your home, in school, in the workplace, in your neighborhood or community, and in your nation.

Parents to Kids

2–6 years old

  • What do you think following Jesus as King is like?
  • Why are instructions important? What do they do for us?

7–12 years old

  • What are the people in God’s kingdom like? Does your life reflect His kingdom?
  • What kind of miracle do you want your friends to experience?

Kids to Parents

  • How can we continue partnering with God in doing His work?

We are God’s partners in this mission. When Jesus gave the command to go and make disciples before He went back to heaven, it was for the church—us—to carry out. Will you do your part in carrying out God’s plan?


Dear God, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and for empowering us to do as You have commanded us. Please help us to be in tune to Your leading as we look for opportunities to help others know You. Teach us to rely on the Holy Spirit always. We pray for courage to speak to others and wisdom to know what to say and how to talk to them. May all that we do lead people to know You in a personal way. In Jesus’ name, amen!


Did you know that you can be part of continuing the story that began in the book of Acts?

Just because the book of Acts ended does not mean that the work of the Holy Spirit has ended. Today, the Holy Spirit continues to work in and through the believers, changing their lives and even the lives of those around them.

If you consider yourself a follower of God, then the Holy Spirit will work in you and through you. God can and will use you to affect people’s lives. Don’t let the work of the Holy Spirit end only in your life. Go and be a channel of God’s miracles today!

Día 4

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Miracles | Midyear Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration (Family Devotional)

Every year, we come together as a church to pray and fast for God to be made known. As we trust Him, we are called to preach His word and expect His miraculous power to change lives. This family devotional is designed to be used by parents with children from ages two to twelve.
