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The Anna AnointingMuestra

The Anna Anointing

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Four Keys to Activate the Anna Anointing

There are four keys to activate the Anna anointing:

  1. Prayer—The primary anointing of Anna was to develop a listening heart that prayed fervent, effective prayers according to the heart and mind of the Lord. She cried out to the Lord for justice and righteousness to fill the earth.
  2. Worship—Ministering in the temple is worshiping God. Anna developed a lifestyle of worship. She presented her body as a living sacrifice to God. Her power to recognize the Messiah came from her lifestyle of worship. Worship is the primary key to unlock the supernatural resources of heaven.
  3. Perseverance—As women, many times we can be weighed down with the cares of this world, but those with an Anna anointing will understand the power of a focused life.
  4. Watchfulness—Anna was a watchman/prophetess. She set up a vigil around the promises of God. The modern-day Anna will develop a relentless, urgent, watching anointing.

The modern-day Anna will live a life of holy abandonment to the purposes of the Lord Jesus. We are tired of seeing our children die in the streets and violent and angry men terrorizing our nation. It is time for the women with the Anna anointing to arise.


Día 2