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5 Day Porn Free Video Plan

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A little-known book in the Bible, Obadiah, contains a warning: ‘“The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights, you who say to yourself, ‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’ Though you soar like the eagles and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down,’ declares the Lord” (Obadiah 1:3–4).

What does pride do? What is the result? Did you notice that pride leads us to see ourselves as self-sufficient and independent from God? Have you seen yourself this way? It’s time to embrace the truth and surrender to the Lord.

As you contemplate the effects of pride in your life, remember that pride deceives you into selfish thinking (and actions) with sexual impurity, the very matter over which you want victory!

The Bible says in 2 Chronicles 26:16, “But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God...”

We are unfaithful to God and others in many ways, including withholding, neglecting, or cheating. Jot down a few notes regarding how you have been selfish, proud, or unfaithful toward God, your spouse (or future spouse), family members, friends, or others the Lord brings to mind.

Do you see how selfishness and pride fueled these thoughts and actions? How will you respond? It’s not enough to feel guilt or shame. You must want to die to selfishness and humbly turn to the Lord for renewal. Slowly read the following verses, noting how these things sometimes describe your heart and actions.

“In his pride, the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God” (Psalm 10:4).

“But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger” (Romans 2:8).

“For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice” (James 3:16).

Can you see how this same selfish ambition guides those who engage in sexually immoral practices? What will you do about it? Will you shrink back into fantasy to escape reality, or will you open your heart and soul to the Lord and allow Him to grant you true repentance that leads to humility? Your healing depends upon which master you choose to serve: Self or God.

Be encouraged! Many who were once slaves to sexual sin have been set free by God. Today is the day for you to switch masters and wholeheartedly seek after the Lord, living to obey Him and enjoy His presence. Write down how the switch is made in your own words, and then make an everlasting commitment to being God’s loyal and faithful friend, turning to and trusting in Him.


Be sure you spend at least five minutes in prayer, but don’t ask for your blessings, such as an easier time at work, a raise, or a new car. Instead, remove yourself from the focus of prayer. Pray for others. Ask God to heal someone you know who is sick, to save someone you know who has rejected God, and to have mercy on someone you know who is hurting. Praying for your family is good, as long as your request isn’t intended for your benefit (e.g., asking God to make your wife a better cook or to help your children behave so they are quiet around you). It’s also appropriate to confess sin and ask God to work in your life to break your prideful heart. Right now, talk to God. Tell Him your struggles and how you need His help in overcoming them.


Pride and selfishness blind us to the truth about our relationship with God, which is designed to be one of dependency upon Him. Ask the Lord to show how pride has blinded you to His truth.

Read through this list of feelings. Write down how you feel now and how you have felt at various times during the week. (Practice being aware of your feelings.)

Happy, Sad, Confident, Angry, Depressed, Stressed, Indifferent, Afraid, Discouraged, Hurt, Content, Anxious, Confused, Jealous, Greedy.

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This content is taken from our Proven Men Workbook Study, which has seen over 5,000+ men set free and has been adapted for this application.

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5 Day Porn Free Video Plan

Shame doesn’t have to be your forever story! This 5-Day Porn Free Video Plan will empower you to walk towards freedom from pornography. You will meet four different men, just like you, who share their testimonies of brokenness to restoration. You can have this story too. This content is taken from our Proven Men Study, which has seen 5,000+ men set free.  
