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And It Was GoodMuestra

And It Was Good

DÍA 25 DE 28

Never give up. Don’t quit. Finish what you started. These are all phrases you’ve probably heard at some point. Whether it’s sports, your schoolwork, or your job, the idea is that we should never quit doing something that we love or are passionate about. It’s a narrative that seems prevalent in every walk of life.

The same should be held about standing against injustice. We should never stop doing something about it. Matthew records Jesus telling the crowds gathered to hear Him teach that God will bless those seeking justice. While certain injustices won’t be solved overnight, there are small things we can do each day to help those who have been wronged receive justice.

Today, think of one small thing you can do to stand up for someone who has been mistreated.


Día 24Día 26

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And It Was Good

The good work of justice. A high school devotional designed to show students God’s goodness at work in the world through justice. In this devotional, you'll find encouragement to see how God is working for justice already and the role you can play to join in that good story for all of humankind.
