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Letters From GodMuestra

Letters From God

DÍA 15 DE 30

DAY 15




I want My people to receive these 3 things from Me. I need My people to receive the CORRECTION that is needed for their life. They are trying to live their life by their own will, not Mine. They wonder why their life is in CHAOS and CONFUSION and it's because they are NOT coming to Me. They are being their own god. They think they can run their own life and then BLAME Me when their life is in disorder.

I need My people to REPENT for living this lifestyle. I have EVERYTHING that is needed for them to live a PROSPEROUS life, but they won't come to Me. They are STRIVING in their own power and strength.

When you live this way, you soon take on a defeated MENTALITY. I have so much MORE for your life, if you would just come to Me.

Why won't you come to Me?

You can TRUST Me. I am NOT like those who have failed you. I will NEVER fail you. But I need you to put your TRUST in Me.

ALLOW Me to guide you.

ALLOW Me to direct you.

RECEIVE your direction from Me. I created you. I know what you need in your life, and I know how to lead you. You just need to give Me the space and ALLOW Me to work in your life. Other people will try to lead and guide your life, even those who are not listening to Me!

They think they know what YOU should be doing. Hear them out but come to Me FIRST before you do anything.

I WILL tell you what I want you to do and where to go.

I WILL never tell someone else first My plan for you without telling you.

I WILL tell people as a confirmation to you, what I've spoken to you.

People are NOT God, I AM.

DON’T give them that title and authority in your life.

I AM the Lord your God. Not people. Places. Or things.

When you do things My way and follow My decrees you will be under a hedge of PROTECTION.

My Angels will encamp ALL around you and protect you.

I WILL protect My child.

I AM tentative to their needs and desires.

I AM a good Father who is present.

I AM always available when you come to Me.

Come to Me for your SUPPLY!

Whatever you need, I already have it for you.

Get a VISION for your life. What gets you excited?

It does for a reason. For I put it in you. Get EXCITED about life!

There is so much to do!

There are places you will go! I need you to be WILLING and OBEDIENT and I will show you the world.

I need you to put your total TRUST in Me, your ABBA FATHER!

I have such a wonderful future planned for your life. I need you PREPARED to fight the good fight of faith.

Put on the armor I have provided you.

I don't call the EQUIPPED.

I equip the CALLED and you are called!

I have ANOINTED you for such a time as this! You were born at just the right time in history! NOTHING takes Me by surprise that is happening right now.

I already know the ending.


We already have the VICTORY!

Death is DEFEATED!

But I need your help to get souls in My Kingdom. There are people who will BELIEVE, if people would tell them about Me! Will you help Me?

I have already EQUIPPED you to do the work. I need WILLING vessels to do My will on the earth. You DON’T need to be perfect for Me to use you.

Come to Me as you are. I have a GOOD plan for your life. If only you would SURRENDER to My will.

When you walk in My will for your life, I will be FULFILLING your hearts desires.

Desires that you didn’t even know you had. Living a life with Me is SATISFYING and FULFILLING. There is NEVER a dull moment but full of My PEACE and LOVE to carry you out through your mission.

I AM the Alpha and the Omega. I know what I am doing. SURRENDER all of you to Me and enjoy the life I created for you.

You already know life on earth will have trials and frustrations. Bring them to Me.

CAST YOUR CARE and leave them there.

Let Me fight your battles. For the battle belongs to Me! When you let Me and My Word fight for you, you win every time for My Word NEVER returns void!

My Word ALWAYS works!

My Word is ALWAYS working for you!

My Word is VOICE ACTIVATED. Use your voice to DEACTIVATE the enemies plan for your life, your family, anything you are involved in.

Use My Word!

You’ll be alright!

I've asked My children to be in a PARTNERSHIP. Together we can do anything!

Are you ready?

I am!

I didn’t bring you this far to fail. My children NEVER fail!

I love you My sweet girl,




Meditate what stood out to you in this Letter From God. Take some time to sit in the presence of God and see what He wants to say to you specifically today?


God's Word is always working in my life! God's Angels are encamped all around me and my family fulfilling the Word of God! I will fulfill my purpose!

Repeat these declarations as many times as you need throughout your day, until you TRULY believe it! And then... continue to speak these truths over your life!

Día 14Día 16

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Letters From God

Do you ever wonder what God would say to you if you could speak to Him? Letters From God is a Bible Plan that showcases specific words from God that are for you! God does speak to us, and Letters From God Bible Plan shows the heart of God for His people. Letters From God will encourage you to write your own letters that God is speaking directly to you!
