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Letters From GodMuestra

Letters From God

DÍA 3 DE 30

Day 3

You are HEALED now, receive it! I've already provided the way. Release your faith in Me and receive what's been made available. IT IS FINISHED! I did everything that was necessary for you to live in FREEDOM! That includes YOUR healing. I want you healed from the inside out, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet.

FORGIVE them. Keep your FOCUS on Me. No matter what you go through in this life, keep your eyes on Me, for I will lead you to the prize! Keep walking in CONTINUAL forgiveness. Keep your HEART pure and blameless in My sight. Keep moving FORWARD. Only look back long enough to tell your story, then bring the attention back to Me.

Where there is HOPE!

I am the HOPE in the world!

Everything else is a gimmick! I am the REAL deal! Come to Me and I will give you the REST and PEACE needed. My peace and rest are eternal, long lasting…the peace the world gives is short lived and not fully satisfying. For only I can FULLY satisfy you. You were created for Me, therefore I know what you truly need and give it FREELY. So many of my people are living an unsatisfying life. I am not talking about those who refuse Me. I am talking about Christians who have proclaimed Me as Lord and Savior! They are looking to people, places and things to satisfy them…

I AM HERE ready and eager to fill them, but they are REFUSING! They have lost their FIRE! But I AM here to fan their flames. For I have sent YOU to motivate and inspire My people. Tell them what I am telling you.

The I AM is here.

Acknowledge Me in all you do, and you will SUCCEED in everything you do, and you will live a SATISFYING life. It's time to obey the Spirit of the LIVING God and refuse the flesh! I have been speaking to you, but you are not listening. You refuse to get on your knees before Me. You only want to please yourself.

I have called you to be Spirit led.

Holy Spirit led.

It is TIME to obey Me, your lord God and quit people pleasing.

It is TIME to quit murmuring and complaining. When you complain you remain. You’ve remained long enough! I AM HERE with My hand extended. You better reach out to Me before it’s too late. This is a warning. It's TIME to heed the Word of the Lord. I love you too much to see you stay this way.

It's TIME to repent.

Quit living in sin.

Turn back to Me.

I want you to live a life of repentance. I want you to lead people back to Me. Their time is almost up. I've sent you to be My warning messenger. You want Me to use your voice, GET READY! Stay blameless and pure before Me.

Live in forgiveness, obedience, and love. For I am about to use you, for My glory.

Read on Jeremiah the prophet. Get familiar with him and his life. You can learn from him and his life. It's TIME to come up to the next level. No gossiping. No slandering. Watch your mouth. For the Word is voice activated. The atmosphere is waiting for My Word to be spoken. SPEAK IT! Keep DECLARING My Words! My people need to realize and get serious about the words they SPEAK.

I may be stern and firm, but I also AM gentle, loving, kind, and compassionate. I AM Abba Father who loves His child enough to set a course correction. Even I have to spank my children at times to get their attention, so they turn from their selfish and evil ways.

BE READY to feel My glory and power when you speak. My glory is going to fall on my CHOSEN elect. What they've been praying for will be RELEASED. They need to GET READY. They need to prepare their hearts! For it is about to happen!




A lot of preachers don’t teach about My Holy Spirit. They don't want to scare the people. But if the people don't know/realize the POWER Holy Spirit brings they CANNOT advance My kingdom, because they will be working in their OWN strength and power. When the Holy Spirit comes onto the scene the POWER of God is present! Miracles, signs and wonders begin to manifest. For where Holy Spirit is ALIVE and ACTIVE My glory will be also.


INVITE Holy Spirit into every area that involves you. For where Holy Spirit is, there is FREEDOM, LIBERTY and JUSTICE. Holy Spirit SEES all and KNOWS all. ALLOW Him to be your partner and guide along your journey. This is how I am able to be everywhere at once with My people. I have given each of you My Spirit.

I am omnipresent. I can be EVERYWHERE all the time! I am here, there, and everywhere at once. ACKNOWLEDGE Holy Spirit. Be AWARE of His presence in your life. For He is a VALUABLE asset to your life. Not everyone has Him. They could, but they choose not too. They are allowing PRIDE to run their life. They are playing god in their life. When people REJECT Me it is because they themselves feel rejected. They don’t feel they QUALIFY to be saved. I don't save people who THINK they are perfect. I save the people who know they are a sinner and need a savior.

ALL have come short of the glory of God! That's why I sent my beautiful precious Son Jesus. To save YOU. A sinner. When I look at you, I see PERFECTION because you have Jesus on the inside of you. His perfect and blameless life now resides in YOU!

Satan calls you by your SIN.

I call you by NAME!








I search around the world daily to see whose HEARTS are postured to Me, willing and obedient. For they will inherit the kingdom of God!



Action Step

Meditate what stood out to you in this Letter From God. Take some time to sit in the presence of God and see what He wants to say to you specifically today?


I am beautiful! I am kind! I am generous! I am faithful! I am obedient! I am saved and sanctified ready to be used for God's glory! I am a woman of God!

Repeat these declarations as many times as you need throughout your day, until you TRULY believe it! And then... continue to speak these truths over your life!

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Letters From God

Do you ever wonder what God would say to you if you could speak to Him? Letters From God is a Bible Plan that showcases specific words from God that are for you! God does speak to us, and Letters From God Bible Plan shows the heart of God for His people. Letters From God will encourage you to write your own letters that God is speaking directly to you!
