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To Follow Jesus by Rocky FlemingMuestra

To Follow Jesus by Rocky Fleming

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To Follow Jesus

by Rocky Fleming

Day One: Deny Self

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Matthew 16:24-25 (ESV)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote The Cost of Discipleship in 1937. He was a German theologian and centered his thoughts on Jesus’ message found in the Sermon on the Mount. He wrote what he believes it means to follow Christ. Living it out as a disciple of Christ led to his execution by the Nazis in 1945 because of his activity in the resistance. Though it led to his physical death, I believe his death to self was when he placed his life before Christ as a living sacrifice by denying his personal rights and giving them over to Jesus. (Romans 12:1-2) It is my desire to write a five-day series with my take on the challenges a disciple must face to follow Jesus, for I think that history is repeating itself in many ways, as persecution is showing up from the most unexpected sources, especially toward those of us who are ministers. But there is nothing new about that. It has happened for the last 2,000 years. It’s the cost of following Jesus, and if we are living it out, truly following Him as He instructs us to live, living in stark contrast to the “darkness” that lives in this world, it will draw “darkness” toward us to try and overwhelm us. But it is the greatest privilege a man or woman can have to be a disciple of Christ, even though it may lead to persecution, and yet it also leads to God’s power and protection. Simple rule. Light overcomes “darkness.” Therefore, walk in the light of Jesus Christ, and He will prevail over the “darkness” that attacks us.

As I always do, I’ll use God’s Holy Word to speak of each challenge that I’ll present. I’ll also ask the Holy Spirit to open my heart and mind to expand the application of His Word to understand it better. To be clear, I’m asking for the Holy Spirit’s inspiration from His word to understand it better, which He gives. I ask you to do the same. We need to ask and allow the Spirit to inspire us and to teach us, for that is His work in the Christian’s life. Now hear me on this if you wish to follow Christ, hearing or sensing the Spirit’s leadership is essential. If there is self-interest, it will interfere with our communication with Him. Therefore, denying our rights to ourselves becomes essential to be pliable and responsive to the Spirit of Christ who lives within our lives as a follower of Christ.

What does it mean to deny self and take up our cross to follow Jesus? It starts with understanding what the cross represented for Jesus. There was pain, humiliation, mission, and purpose. It represented suffering, agony, and intervention for others. It represented obedience to His Father. Did Jesus ask that the “cup” be removed from Him if it was the Father’s will? Yes, He did, for He knew what He would be facing. Nevertheless, Jesus drank that cup down to the dregs, for His cross was His mission. That cup represented all the sins of the past, present, and future for all who believe in Him. The implications of the cross were greater than the physical pain He encountered. We have no idea how deep His pain went. In a similar way, we have no idea what our cross will require to follow Jesus as His disciples. We might be told that we are fools, heretics, or blasphemers because we are used by Jesus to lead others to Him. Our cross may include slander, hatred, misunderstandings, and even ridicule from people who do not understand the things of the Spirit. Jesus and the disciples received this. But draw comfort in the fact that when this shows up in your life, it shows that the work you are doing places a target on your back from the enemy of your soul, and you are doing a good thing that Jesus approves of. Don’t be surprised by it if it comes. Jesus said it would.

I have a friend who was a Navy Seal. I asked him who the most dangerous fighter that he ever faced. He said that’s an easy one. It is the man who has no fear of death, and he fights with reckless abandon because of it. Can you see how the denial of ourselves and presenting our life before Christ as a living sacrifice is symbolic of dying to self and living for Christ? Do you also realize that this infuses courage to live with abandon and trust in Jesus Christ. Believe me when I tell you this. God will never waste or abuse a man or woman who lives with such dedication to Him. Remember this and take comfort from the words of Jesus:

“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world, you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]”

John 16:23 Amplified Bible

Día 2