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John 11

chapter eleven
1and there is one lying sick, El'azar of Beit-Anyah, the village of Mary and her sister Marta. 2and the Mary is the one was, who had anointed the L-rd with precious ointment, and him wipe off his feet with her hair, whose brother El'azar is lie sick. 3the sisters did therefore send to him, so to say: L-rd, look, he whom you (SG) do love, lies sick. 4and when Yehoshua did this hear, did he say: the this sickness is not to the death, but to the glory of Hashem, so that the Son of the Most High shall glorified to be through you (PL). 5and Yehoshua did love have Marta and her sister and El'azar. 6and when he did hear, that he lies sick, did he then yet (longer) remain two days in the place, where he was. 7then has he first say to the disciples: let us again go to Yehudah. 8say the disciples to him: Rebbe, now did the Judaeans you seek to stone, and you (SG) go again there there? 9did Yehoshua answer: (question) has then not the day twelve hours? who it walk around in the day, that (one) stumbles not, because he sees the light of the this world. 10whoever however it walk around by night, this one stumbles, because the light is not in him. 11this did he speak, and after that says he to them: El'azar, our friend is asleep become; but I go, so that him to wake up from sleep. 12the disciples have therefore said to him: if he has fall asleep, will he healed to become. 13Yehoshua however did speak about his death; and they did think, that he speaks about the restful slumber of sleep. 14therefore did Yehoshua then to them say quite openly: El'azar has died. 15and I rejoice myself on account of you (PL), that I had there not been, so that you (PL) shall believe; but let us go to him. 16then did Toma, who they has him called Didymas, said to his fellow disciples: let us also go, so that we should die with him.
17and there arriving, did Yehoshua him find already lying since four days in tomb. 18and Beit-Anyah was near to Jerusalem, an about fifteen acres of field distant; 19and a many Jews are come out to Marta and Mary, so that them give comfort to do concerning the brother their. 20and as Marta did hear, that Yehoshua comes, is she him to meet go; Mary however is remain sitting in house. 21and Martha did say to Yehoshua: L-rd, if you (SG) would here have been, would my brother not have died. 22and even now know I, that all, which you (SG) will only ask by Hashem, will Hashem you (SG) give. 23said Yehoshua to her: your brother will stand up again. 24says Martha to him: I know, that he will rise up in the resurrection in the last day. 25did Yehoshua say to her: I am the resurrection and the life; who the one believes in me, even when he has already died, will he live, 26and every one, who lives and believes in me, will in eternity not die. (question) do you believe the these? 27says she to him: yes, L-rd, I believe, that you (SG) are the Moshiach, the Son of the Most High, who shall come in the world into. 28and having this said, did she go away, and did call her sister quietly, and said to her: the Rebbe is here and calls you. 29and when that one did this hear, did she quickly stand up, and come to him. 30and Yehoshua is yet not gone in in village into, but is still was in the place, where Martha had him met. 31and the Judaeans, who were with her was in the house, and did her console, seeing, that Mary did herself quickly got up and did go out, have her followed, thinking, that she goes to the tomb, in order that there to weep. 32and as Mary is come there, where Yehoshua was, and did him see, did she fall down before his feet, and did to him say: if you (SG) would here been, would the brother mine not died. 33and as Yehoshua did her see weep and the Judaeans, who are come together with her, also weep, did he a sigh done in his spirit, and self grieved was, 34and said: where did you (PL) him lay? say they to him: L-rd, come and see. 35Yehoshua has shed a tear. 36the Judaeans did therefore say: look see, how he did him love have! 37some however of them did say: (question) could he, who had opened the eyes of the blind man, then not be able make, that also this (El'azar) shall not die? 38and again a sigh doing in self alone, comes Yehoshua to the tomb. and it was a cave, and a stone was laid at it. 39says Yehoshua: take away the stone. says Marta, the sister of the son of deceased, to him: L-rd, he smells already, because he lies already four days. 40says Yehoshua to her; (question) have I you (SG) then not said, that if you (SG) will believe, will you see the glory of Hashem? 41and they did take away the stone. and Yehoshua did lift up the eyes (toward heaven) up and said: Father, I thank you (SG), that you (SG) have me heard. 42and I did know, that you (SG) hear me always; but on account of the crowd, which stands around, did I this say, so that they should believe, that you (SG) you have me sent. 43and having this said, did he a shout do with a loud voice: El'azar, come out. 44and this dead one did come out, and his hands and feet are was wrapped with burial shrouds; and his face was bandaged with a kerchief. says Yehoshua to them: untie him on, and let him go.
45and a many of the Judaeans, who had come to Mary, seeing what he had done, did believe in him. 46some however of them did go away to the Pharisees, and did them tell, what Yehoshua has done.
47the chief kohenim and the Pharisees did therefore bring together the Sanhedrin, and said: what shall we do? because the this one man does a many signs! 48if we will him so permit, will all believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away our land and nation. 49but one of them, Caiapha, being kohen gadol in that year, did to them say: you (PL) know nothing, 50and consider even not, that it is good for you (PL), that one man shall die for the people, and the entire nation shall not lost go. 51the these however did he from self alone not say, but because he was kohen gadol in that year, did he say prophecies, that Yehoshua will die for the people (Yeshayah 53, 8.); 52and not only for the people alone, but so that also the scattered children of Hashem shall he gather together. 53and from that day on did they decided, him to kill.
54Yehoshua is therefore more not walking about publicly among the Judaeans, but is departed from there to the region near of the wilderness, in a city, which was called it Ephrayim, and is there remain with the disciples. 55and it was near for the Jewish Pesach, and a many did go up to Jerusalem from the countryside for Pesach, in order to themselves to purify. 56and did search for Yehoshua, and said one to the other standing in House HaMikdash: what think you (PL)? that he comes not on Yom Tov? 57and the chief kohenim and the Pharisees did issue an order, that when someone knows where he stands one, shall he it to know give, so that they should him arrest.

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