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Sin miedo en la batalla Ejemplo

Fearless In Battle

DÍA 11 DE 17

In today’s Scripture passage, we read about how Elisha sees the supernatural, while his servant sees the natural. Elisha exercised faith, while his servant exercised fear. 

Faith takes cognisance of the character and promises of God, while fear focuses on the visible and natural.

Faith is the evidence of things not seen and the substance of things hoped for. (Hebrews 11: 1) (emphasis mine)

Fear is based on the visible and the natural. It revolves around the tangible. It needs to see results. Fear bases itself on human acumen and the opinion of the experts and the specialists.

When we head that our 13-year-old daughter had malignant tumours on her skull and in her abdomen, we were devastated. Even the medical fraternity at one of India’s leading hospitals gave up hope as they saw her fight for life due to complications that arose from a surgery. But, God came through. He showed Himself faithful. 

Faith is based on the character of God. He is the One who breathes stars and galaxies into existence. He marks the boundary for the waves of the ocean. He makes a way where there is no way. He is the death conqueror, the sin cleanser, the promise fulfiller, the one who specialises in making the impossible possible. He is the Faithful one, Abba father, the Lion of Judah. He is Yeshua - and you are the apple of His eye.

There are times when faith causes you to take action, while at other times you are called to wait in faith. 

While fear causes us to act in haste, faith displays a quiet trust in God – even during perceived delays.  

The greatest test of faith is times when it seems like God has pressed the pause button. We experienced that time and time again during our daughter Jenita’s time at the hospital. We spent a total of eighty-eight days at the hospital – there was a lot of waiting involved. I recall the four days we spent waiting for Jenita to wake up from a coma, looking for any sign of movement from her. Only the grace of God saw us through that time of waiting. 

Remember: He who promised is faithful. Cling to Him while you’re in the waiting room of life. 

If God has said it, He will accomplish it.  

Día 10Día 12

Acerca de este Plan

Fearless In Battle

¿Eres alguien que habitualmente cede al miedo? ¿O vives constantemente por fe? En este devocional, aprende a dar pasos de fe, para que le des a Dios la oportunidad de mostrar su poder en tu situación aparentemente imposible. Inspírate con un testimonio personal sobre caminar sin miedo por el valle de la sombra de la muerte. Aprende a vivir sin dar pie al miedo en tu vida.


Agradecemos a Rajiv Chelladurai y LifeWay Publications India por proporcionar este plan. Para obtener más información, visite: https://lifeway.in/fearless/