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21 jours de prière (Renouveller, Reconstruire, Restaurer)Exemple

21 Days of Prayer (Renew, Rebuild, Restore)

Jour 10 sur 21

Rebuild your faith 

There are so many times in our life when we believe that our faith will take care of itself. We forget the fact that faith is something that needs to be built in our everyday life. However, we often neglect the centrality of our Christian life, which is faith. Our faith in God is one of the most valuable assets that we need to take care of. It is so important to take a pause from our busy lives to self-examine our faith life. At times our faith gets misplaced due to the circumstances of our life. The faith that we need to have in God gets replaced by our work, friends, family, and money. We tend to rely on these things more than our faith gets shifted onto someone else or something else rather than on God. Sometimes we even lose our faith due to the unexpected circumstances in our lives, yet we have managed to carry on with our religious duties thinking that we are still walking with God. 

In my married life, I and my wife have to remind ourselves many times that our faith in Jesus Christ is the centrality of the relationship. If I started to have faith in my wife more than Jesus, I depend completely on her for my strength and expect things from her that she might not be able to meet. But when I put my complete faith in the God who has called us to be together for a higher purpose, which is greater than our own lives, it enables us to support and help each other. 

It is important that we refocus ourselves and self-check our faith during these days of prayer. The lord is prepared to rebuild your faith. 

Prayer Focus:

Lord, I pray that you will rebuild my faith life. Even at times when I don’t see or experience the good things that you have in store for me, help me to have a faith that is unshaken by my circumstances. I replace my faith back in Jesus, and to follow him closely for the rest of my life. May this prayer become my reality in Jesus' name, Amen.


Jour 9Jour 11

À propos de ce plan

21 Days of Prayer (Renew, Rebuild, Restore)

Ce plan de lecture est un outil efficace pour vous permettre de faire une pause dans les horaires chargés de votre vie et de vous reconnecter avec Dieu par la prière pendant 21 jours. En suivant ce plan, vous serez renouvelé, reconstruit et restauré selon les desseins de Dieu pour votre vie.


Nous tenons à remercier King City Church pour nous avoir fourni ce plan. Pour plus d'informations, s'il vous plaît visitez: http://www.kingcitychurch.org/