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21 jours de prière (Renouveller, Reconstruire, Restaurer)Exemple

21 Days of Prayer (Renew, Rebuild, Restore)

Jour 4 sur 21

Renewed Strength: The strength that comes in trusting  

The word trust means “firm belief in the reliability or in the ability of someone or something”. As humans in everything we do, our confidence is drawn from the source of trust. Right from our childhood, we were confident that we will be fed every day because we trusted that our parents would do anything to provide for us, we trusted their love and ability. Very often in our spiritual life, this trust is a dilemma, we tend to trust people whom we see and at times feel confident in our own ability. However, trusting in our own ability will not take us much further, because we are limited and when something challenges us more than our ability we tend to feel fear, confusion, and disappointment.

The Bible clearly says that those who put their trust in the Lord will renew their strength and soar on wings like eagles. When we put our trust in the Lord we are not working in our ability but in the ability of God. The Bible also says “they run they will not grow weary, they will walk they will not faint”. The strength that comes from the Lord will keep us going and fills us with peace, vacating anxiety and gives confidence. It removes fear and makes us bold, it heals our failures and fills us with grace. It wipes away our past and gives us new hope and a great future. 

In these days of prayer let’s take a moment to realize where our trust is. Make a decision to trust God’s ability in everything and renew your strength.

Prayer Focus:

Father in heaven, I come before you today with a decision to trust you and you alone in everything. In my weakness, your grace is sufficient. Through you, I can do anything, help me set my eyes on Jesus in whom I am made righteous, perfect and a conqueror. Help me to run my race with the strength that comes from you in Jesus name, Amen.

Jour 3Jour 5

À propos de ce plan

21 Days of Prayer (Renew, Rebuild, Restore)

Ce plan de lecture est un outil efficace pour vous permettre de faire une pause dans les horaires chargés de votre vie et de vous reconnecter avec Dieu par la prière pendant 21 jours. En suivant ce plan, vous serez renouvelé, reconstruit et restauré selon les desseins de Dieu pour votre vie.


Nous tenons à remercier King City Church pour nous avoir fourni ce plan. Pour plus d'informations, s'il vous plaît visitez: http://www.kingcitychurch.org/