Աստվածաշնչի տարբերակներ

Ottawa New Testament, Penteteuch and Psalms 1874


Ottawa Language

Ottawa or Odawa is a dialect of the Ojibwe language spoken by the Odawa people. It is spoken by communities in southern Ontario in Canada, and northern Michigan in the United States. Descendants of migrant Ottawa speakers also live in Kansas and Oklahoma. Ottawa is written in an alphabetic system using Latin letters, and is known to its speakers as Nishnaabemwin or Daawaamwin. The New Testament, Psalms and Pentateuch were translated into Ottawa.

History of Translatiom

The Gospel of Matthew was published in 1841. The Gospel of John was translated by the Baptist missionary Jotham Meeker, aided by Francis Barker. It was published by the American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions in 1844. The four Gospels were translated by Frederick A. O’Meara from the Anglican Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG). They were printed in Toronto for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) in 1850. Frederick A. O’Meara then completed the New Testament which was published by SPCK in 1854.

Psalms 1856

The Psalms were translated by Frederick A. O’Meara. They were entitled: Oodahnuhmëahwine nuhguiimoowinun owh David: Ojibwag anwawaud azheühnekenootahbeëgahdagin. They were printed in Toronto for the Upper Canada Bible Society (now the Canadian Bible Society) in 1856.

Pentateuch 1861

The Books of Moses known as the Pentateuch were translated by F.A. O’Meara, with the help of Peter Jacobs, an Indian missionary. It was entitled: Ewh kechetwah-muzzeneëgun: Nahnun muzzeneëgunun Moses kahoozhebeühmoowahjin keähnekuhnootuhbeëgahdag anwawaud egewh ahnishnahbag Ojibwag anindiig. It was published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) in 1861.

Revised New Testament 1874

In 1874 the New Testament was revised by Frederick A. O’Meara. It was entitled: Oowahweendahmahgawin owh tabanemenung Jesus Christ, keähnekuhnootuhbeëgahdag anwamand egewh Ahneshemahbag Ojibwaganindjog. Keënahkoonegawaud kuhya ketebahahmahgawaud egewh mahyahmahwejegajig Society for promoting Christian knowledge, ewede London anduhzhetahwaud. It was published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) in 1874.

Digital Edition

The New Testament, Pentateuch and Psalms were combined into one project for convenience, using the revised New Testament from 1874. These Ottawa Scriptures were digitised for the Canadian Bible Society with the help of MissionAssist in 2024.

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