Mulai Hari Ini dan Seterusnya oleh Craig & Amy GroeschelSampel

Craig & Amy Groeschel’s From This Day Forward


From This Day Forward

Whether or not you’re married now, did you ever daydream about what your marriage might look like? What kind of person your spouse would be? What sort of relationship you’d have together? Even whether you’d have children and where you’d live? Now think about the life you have today. When our realities don’t live up to our dreams, what can we do about it?

Marriage vows often include phrases like “for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.” Relationships contain all of those things. No matter what circumstances, choices, shortcomings, or surprises may have landed us in a less-than-dreamy present, we can’t look to the past to make it better. We can only commit to a better future starting now — “from this day forward.”

If having the marriage of your dreams were easy, you’d already have it, right? If you don’t have the strength, you’ll have to learn to rely on Christ’s strength, which is always enough. And even if you’re in a place where you feel like you’re all out of love — you can rely on His love that never runs out.

Let’s pray together: Lord, thank You that each day we have from You is a gift, another chance for a fresh start. Help us to forgive, and to let go of the past. Please help us to see Your strength in our weaknesses today, and then again tomorrow, and every day after. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Hari 2

Tentang Rencana ini

Craig & Amy Groeschel’s From This Day Forward

Anda dapat memiliki pernikahan yang luar biasa. Pilihan yang Anda buat hari ini akan menentukan pernikahan yang akan Anda miliki kelak. Pastor dan penulis terlaris New York Times Craig Groeschel dan istrinya, Amy, menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana lima komitmen ini dapat membantu Anda menjauhkan kegagalan dari pernikahan Anda: Carilah Tuhan, bertengkar secara adil, bersenang-senanglah, tetap murni, dan jangan pernah menyerah. Miliki pernikahan yang selalu Anda impikan, mulailah sekarang juga — mulai hari ini dan seterusnya.


Kami ingin berterima kasih kepada Zondervan, HarperCollins, dan yang telah menyediakan rencana ini. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungilah: