Serial Renungan "Enam Lainnya"Sampel
Inviting People to Church // Section 1: Earning the Right to Talk
Joseph manages to keep his integrity despite lies, temptation, and the worst of situations you could imagine. Because of this, no one had anything bad that was legitimate to say about Joseph and God honored him because of that. If we maintain our character in the hard times, God will be sure we are restored so that we can be examples for those around us. This is easier said than done when you're in the thick of a difficult situation: resolve AHEAD of time that you'll be a person of Godly character.
Practical Steps: Read the Joseph story and compare how God came through for Joseph with how God could come through for you if you choose to have integrity.
Firman Tuhan, Alkitab
Tentang Rencana ini
Rencana bacaan 40 hari ini dirancang untuk mengajar dan membimbing jemaat Kristen memahami apa artinya mengikuti Yesus tidak hanya pada hari Minggu, namun 'enam hari lainnya' dalam satu minggu.