Serial Renungan "Enam Lainnya"Sampel
Inviting People to Church // Section 2: Talking to Your Friends about Jesus
When we tell others about Jesus, we ought to have a reason for our faith, according to Peter. Here is the reason: Jesus changed our lives, our marriages, and our future generations with His incredible love, and He can for them too! As Peter explains, we don’t rub it in their face and be obnoxious about it, but we do present who we were before Jesus and who we are now.
Practical Steps: Take a few minutes this morning to ‘rehearse’ what your story has been – who were you before Jesus, what happened, and who are you now. Make it as clear and concise as possible.
Firman Tuhan, Alkitab
Tentang Rencana ini
Rencana bacaan 40 hari ini dirancang untuk mengajar dan membimbing jemaat Kristen memahami apa artinya mengikuti Yesus tidak hanya pada hari Minggu, namun 'enam hari lainnya' dalam satu minggu.