Yohans Dooshishiyo 10
Iyesus jints sheeng b́wottsok'o
1Manatse tuut Iyesus hank'o bíeti, «Ariko arikone etirwe itsha, mererwots kúrots fengeshon kindraawo k'osh weeron kinditwo ump'etsonat wombedewotsne. 2Fengeshon kinditwonmó mererwotsi jintsoniye. 3Bíshe fengesh kotirwo k'eshitwe, mererwotswere b́ k'aaro shishetune, bi were b́ took mererwotsi boshutson s'eegetwe, jishde'ernwere ametuwee. 4B́took mereer jamwotsi b́ kishihakon bo shin shinatse sha'itwe, b́ mererwotswere b́ k'aaro bo dantsotse b́ shuutso shoydeniye bo sha'iti. 5K'osho k'aaronmó bodanawotse bíyatse oka bowos'eti bako b́jámon b́ shuutso amatsne.»
6Iyesuswere jewraan boosh b́keewi, bomo boosh b́keewetso t'iwintsratsno.
7Mansh Iyesus ando aani hank'o boosh bíet, «Arikon arikoniye itsh ti etiriye taa mererwots fengesh taane, 8Taayere shin waats jametswots úmp'etswotsnat bik'knee, mererwotsu bon shiyatsne. 9Fengesho taane, tweeron kinditwo kashitwe, kinditwe, keshetwe, jinokono daatsitwe. 10Úmp'etsonmo b́ weyiŕ úmp'isha, shukonat t'afiyon s'uzsha, taamo t waa boowere kasho daatsr s'eent s'eenk kasho bodetsetwok'owe.
11«Jints sheengo taane, jints sheengo b́ kasho b́ mererwotssha err beshide imetwe. 12Btokk woteraw mereer jintso b́ jinish keeweka bako ari jints woterawonu lawuwo b́ waare b́bek'or mereruwotsi k'ak'rarni b́wos'eti, lawuwonwere mererwotsi bi'ide bad'ib́k'riti. 13Jintsman k'az b́wos'irwe keewek b́wottsonat mererwotssh kis'odeshawo b́wottsone. 14#Mat. 11:27; Luk'. 22:33; Lew. 24:16 Jints sheengo taane, taa t mererwotsi danfee, t mererwotswere taan danfnee. 15Taa boon t daniru niho taan b́dantsok'o dani naaronat taawere niho t dantsi naaronee, taa t mererwotssh t kasho beshide imetwe. 16Mereer s'eenanitse woterawo k'oshuwotsitse wotts mererwotsi detsfe, bonowere jisho taash geyife, boowere t k'ááro shishetune, ikoki mereer s'eene bowotiti, jinirwonwere ike b́ wotiti.
17«Aani tdek'et kashú ti ímetwotse t nih taan shunfee. 18Taa t kashu tshunon imetuwe bako tiatse konwor bin dek'etwo aaliye, t kashu imr aninuwe dek'osh alo detsfe, tzaziman tdek'were t nihoknee.»
19B́ keewtsmanatse tuutson ayhudiwots dagotse k'osh k'oshewo wotbwtsi. 20Boyitsnowere ayuwots, «Bí bíatse fo'erawoniye fa'oni, geewtsere, eegishe bín itk'ebiri?» boeti.
21K'oshuwotsuwere, «B́keew keewan fo'erawo detsts ash nonotse keshetkaliye, fo'erawo bo ááwu dogwots aawo k'eshosh falituwa?» bo eti.
Ayhudiyots aman k'azi jango
22Iyerusalemitse Ik' maa nato bíhandrtsi worwoti bali aawo b́bodi, manoronwe joosha#10:22 Joosha: Israe'el datsatse Tahsas shasho ak'onat awushetska. b́tesh. 23Iyesus Ik' mootse Solomon bí anaanef werindatsna bí ananefer b́tesh. 24Manoor ayhudiwots b́ ganok ko'edek't, «Awurish b́ borfetsone git nibon noon nja'iti? Nee Krsttosi n wotok'o danide noosh keewwe» boeti.
25Iyesusu hank'o ett boosh bíaaniy, «Taa itsh keewre, itmó amaneratste, t nih shútson tfiniru fino t jangosh gawitwe. 26Itmó t mererwotsitse woto itk'aztsosh amaneratste. 27T mererwots t k'aaro shishetune, taawere boon danfee, boowere t shuutso sha'itúne. 28Taa dúre dúri kashone boosh imetwe, manshe b́jamon t'afratsne, t kishotse konwor boon kishdeatse. 29Boon taash imtso t nih jamoniyere bogfe. Tnih kishotse boon bi'dek'o falitwo konwor aaliye. 30Taana ett Aabn ik noone.»
31Ayhudiwotś manoor ando aani bín togosh shútso k'a'ubodek'i. 32Iyesuswere, «T nihoke sheeng fin ayuwotsi itsh kitsre, eshe it taan it togir t fints hanotsitse aawsha etatniya?» bí eti.
33Bowere, «Noo neen notogir Ik'o nc'ashirwosha bako n fints sheeng finoshaliye, manwere nee ash wotefetsat́ n tooko Ik' n woshtsoshee» ett bísh boaaniyi.
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Dub. 82:6 Iyesuswere hank'o boosh bíet, «It nemotse ‹Itiye ik'wots it nee, eteere› ett guut'etso aalneya? 35Eshe S'ayin mas'aafo sharosh faleratse, boosh waats Ik'i aap'o S'ayin mas'afo Izar Izewerotsi ett s'eegere. 36Eshe, Niho S'ayntst datso maantsan b́ doyitso ‹Ik' na'o taane› bí ettsosh eegoshe ‹Ik'o c'ashre› it etiri? 37Taa t nih fino fineratse wotiyal taan amank'ayere. 38T nih finirwoni t finiri wotiyalmo taan dab́ amano it k'azalor t finiru finon amanore, hank'on niho taanton b́ wottsok'onat taawe nihonton twottsok'o shengshde danetute.»
39Bowere ando aani bín detsosh bogeyi, bímó bo kishotse kesht k'az bí'ami.
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Yoh. 1:28 Iyesus ando aani Yordanos fokoniye kimt Yohanis bali b́ gupfok bíami, manoknowere b́ teshi. 41Ay ashuwots bíyok wáát́, «Yohanis adits fino egoŕ fineratse, ernmó Yohanis ashaan jango b́ keewts jamo aree b́ teshi» bo et. 42Manoknowere ay ashuwots bín bo amani.
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Yohans Dooshishiyo 10: BrnNTLtn
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