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Matthew 2

Cum natus esset iesus in bethleem in diebus herodis regis ecce magi ab oriente
1Eornestlice þa se hælend akenned wæs on iudeissere beethleem on þas kynges dagen herodes. þa coman þa tungelwitegen. fram eastdæle to ierusalem 2⁊cwæðen. hwær is se iudea kyng þe akenned is. Soðliche we geseagen his steorran on eastdæle ⁊we comen us hine to geeadmedenne. 3Þa herodes þt geherde þa warð he gedrefeð ⁊eal ierosolimewære mid him. 4⁊þa gegaderede herodes ealle ealdres þare sacerdæs ⁊folkes writeres. ænd axode hwær crist akenned wære. 5Ða sægden hyo him. on iudeissere bethleem. Witodlice þus ys awriten. þurh þanne witegan. 6Ænd þu bethleem iudealand. witodlice ne eart þu læst on iudea ealdran. of þe forð gæð se heretoga seþe recð min folc israel. 7Herodes þa cleopede on sunderspræce þa tungelwitegan ⁊befran hyo georne hwanne se steorre heom ateowede. 8Ænd he asende hye to bethleem ⁊þus cwæð. Fareð ⁊axiad geornlice be þam childe ⁊þanne ge hit gemeteð kyðað eft me. þæt ich cume ⁊me to him gebidde. 9Þa hyo þæt bebod geherden þa ferden hyo ⁊soðlice se steorre þe hye on eastdæle geseagen. heom beforen ferde. oððe he stod ofer. þær þæt child wæs. 10Soðlice þa þa tungelwitegan þanne steorre geseagan fagenedon swiðe micele gefean. 11⁊geoden into þam huse hyo metten þt child mid marian hys moder ⁊hyo aþeneden hyo ⁊hyo to hym gebæden. And hyo untyndon heora goldhordes ⁊him lac brohten. þæt wæs gold ⁊stor ⁊mirre. 12And hyo onfengen andswere on swefnum þæt hyo eft to herode ne hwyrfden. ac hyo on oþerne weig on hire riche ferden.
Apparuit angelus domini in sompnis ioseph dicens: accipe puerum et matrem eius
13Þa þa ferden þa atewede drihtnes engel iosepe on swefne ⁊þus cwæð. Aris ⁊nym þæt child ⁊hys moder ⁊fleog on egypteland ⁊beo þær oð þæt ic þe segge. Toward is þæt herodes secð þæt child to forspillene. 14He aras þa ⁊nam þæt chyld ⁊his moder on niht ⁊ferde into egypte. 15⁊wæs þær oððe herodes forðsið. þæt wære gefeld þæt þe fram drihtne gecweðen wæs. þurh þanne witegan. Of egypte ich minne sune geclypede. 16Ða wæs herodes swiðe gebolgen for þam þe he befæht#2.16 Copying error for befæht. wæs fram þam tungelwitegan ⁊he asende þa ⁊ofsloh ealle þa chyld þe on bethleem wæron ⁊on eallen hire gemæren fram twiwintren elde ⁊binnæn þan æfter þare tyde þe he geaxode fram þam tungelwitegen. 17Ða wæs gefylled þt gecweðen wæs þurh ieremiam þam witegan. 18Stefne wæs on heahnysse gehyrd. wop ⁊michel þotorung. rachel weop hire bearn ⁊hye nolde beon gefrefred. for þam þe hyo næren.
Defuncto autem herode ecce apparuit angelus domini in somp nis ioseph in egypto dicens
19Soðliche þa herodes wæs forðfaren. witodliche on swefne drihtnes ængel ætywede ioseph on egypte. 20⁊þus cwæð. Aris ænd nym þæt child ⁊his moder ⁊far on israeleland. Nu synden forðfarene þa þas cyldes sawle sohten. 21He aras þa ⁊onfeng þæt cyld ⁊his moder ⁊com on israeleland. 22Þa he gehyrde þæt archelaus rixede on iudeaþeode for þane heroden. he ondredde þider to farene ⁊on swefnen gemineged he ferde on galileisse dales. 23⁊he com þa ⁊eardode on þare chestre þe is genemned nazareth. þæt wære gefylled. þæt gecweðen wæs þurh ieremie þanne witega. for þan þe he nazareisc byð genemned.

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Matthew 2: ASxG





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