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La Rabbia Campione



I imagine you'll find a verse here that speaks to your conscience. If so, respond as the Lord leads you.

Proverbs 29:9 Man says: Negotiation is the way to work it out. God says: But it won't work with fools.

Mark 3:25 Man says: You have to stand up for yourself! God says: Work together, not against or you'll crash.

James 4:1-2 Man says: Why am I always in some kind of quarrel? God says: Conflicts come with lust, envy, and not praying.

Psalm 141:3 Man says: I think I need someone to be there and close my mouth. God says: It's good to pray regularly for God to help you with that.

Proverbs 24:17-18 Man says: I think it's great when bad guys are crushed. God says: Don't rejoice when your enemy falls. God is not pleased if you do.

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Ognuno di noi ha avuto problemi con la rabbia. Come tu reagisci alla rabbia si basa sulla fiducia in Dio e nella meditazione sulla Sua Parola. Valuta il piano di lettura La Fiducia accanto al soggetto sulla Rabbia. I versetti seguenti, quando memorizzati, possono essere di aiuto per sconfiggere la rabbia per tutta la tua vita. Lascia che la tua vita sia trasformata tramite la memorizzazione della Scrittura! Per un metodo globale per fare questo, visita http://www.MemLok.com


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