
Beginning A Relationship With Jesus

7日中 6日

"Who is God?"

Understanding a few main things about God will help you as you begin to follow Him. Let’s talk about four of God’s characteristics:

God is eternal

God uses every word there is to describe Himself as outside of time: everlasting, eternal, forever, is, was, and is to come. God is eternal. Eternal doesn’t mean a really, really long time. It means “timeless.” It means “outside the dimension of time.”

God is relational

The Bible teaches in many places that God exists as three persons together in perfect unity. This is called the Trinity. Rather than being a solo God figure, the God of the Bible is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. They are three distinct persons, but they live and work in perfect oneness.

God is perfect

God is not flawed and is never in need of improvement. He has no shortages—of character, purity, knowledge, power, or ability. Especially in contrast to us, God is perfect morally. The Bible says, “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5).

God is “omni”

God is omnipresent, He is omnipotent, and He is omniscient. These words mean (in order) that God is “all-present,” that He is “all-powerful,” and that He is “all-knowing.” He is able to be everywhere simultaneously, He is powerful over all things, and He knows all things.

So why does all of this matter?

Understanding God’s eternity gives me hope. Knowing He’s relational means I can enter into conversation with Him. Knowing God is perfect means that even when I do not understand, I can trust God. And knowing He is all means that He is the one who holds the power, that He has not left us alone, and that everything that is evil will be defeated.

So who is God? He’s the one who made you, He’s the one who loves you beyond your wildest dreams, and He’s the one who gave up His own Son, Jesus Christ, to death so He could have an eternal relationship with you.

Knowing God changes our view of people—we start to see them as eternal souls, not temporary bodies.

Knowing God helps us face difficulties differently. Knowing God means we never have to feel like life is out of control.
 Knowing God grounds us in humility and purpose. Knowing God helps life make sense.

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Beginning A Relationship With Jesus


