Matthew 7

Hatugulul Yar Tayikof Yarmat
(Luke 6:37–38, 41–42)
1“Ha towe hatugulu yael semal tayikof bo ila ngo Deus towe hatugulu yami tayikof, 2bo Deus ila yebe hatugulu yami tayikof le be wochog yami hatugulu kofer yarmat, le be faor ngalugmi le be hafedeg ngal mekla hami hama faor ngalir yarmat.#Mk 4:24 3Meda mele hola wiri pesla sepoy mo lal metal mala bisim ngo hola tuwiri tabol hapepey la lal ila metam? 4Be ifa sengal ngo ho sala kangalu semal bisim bo hobe hachuya pesla sepoy lal metal le hare gel mwo ngo ye mel setab hapepey lal ila metam ngo ho tuwiri? 5Gel ho foforiyeg! Hobe moal hachuya mwo tabol hapepey la lal mala metam, ngo bele moch ffod yam wiri le hobe hachuya pesla sepoy mo lal metal mala bisim.
6“Ha towe ngaler peska meka ye santus — bo rebe far ttagul chog resa gusugmi. Ha towe pped ngalir pabiy yises kala marmi le ha hachangi bo rebe suru fadaley.
Dongor, Meri, Mo Hapungpungu Hatam
(Luke 11:9–13)
7“Habe dongor ngo be yoh ngalugmi; habe meri ngo habe wiri; habe hapungpungu hatam, ngo be sugeg ngalugmi. 8Bo pangal yarmat le rebe dongor ngo be yoh ngalir, ngo te tugul le be meri ngo be wiri, be sugeg hatam ngal yeramtala be hapungpungu. 9Hami temer yalwich be yoh ngalugmi le lomi be dongor hal flowa ngo hami hasa fang ngali feas? 10Hare gel semal mal le yor lom, ngo mala lom sa dongor hal yig, ngo ye tugul le gel ho towe fang ngali semal parchoyoh. 11Mala ila lepal yami tayikof ngo ha gola mekla ye momay le habe fang ngalir mekla lomi. Iwe ngo be ifa lepal momay le mala Tammi wol laeng yebe fang ngalir rechokla rema dodongor ngali?
12“Habe faor ngalir yarmat mekla hami ha dipli bo yarmat rebe faor ngalugmi; bo ila fal Hatobtob kowe yael Moses, iwe mo foloy kowe yar profeta kowe re foloyu ngalir yarmat.#Lk 6:31
Hatam We Ye Wechich
(Luke 13:24)
13“Ha bulong mo irel hatam la ye wachich bo mala hatmal Infiyerno ila ye palleng, ngo mala yalepal ila ye mechrag ngo ye cholop yarmat le rema dabey. 14Iwe ngo mala hatmal molow ila ye wechich ngo mala yalepal ila ye weres le halfedmal yarmat le rema wiri.
Sehay Ire Mo Mekla Uwal
(Luke 6:43–44)
15“Habe hafalugmi irer profeta kala rete katos; re bela budoh iremi le re bele wochog woar saaf kowe, ngo luluwal kala yar ila ye wochog bolof kowe re machoh. 16Ha be golar mo irel wegdigir. Ire ka yor chil ila tema buyoy uwal le grapes, ngo fadil ka sima ddub iyang, ila te ma buyoy uwal le fig. 17Sehay ire le be cchapipidah ngo be momay mekla uwal, ngo sehay le be tayikof tumlal ngo yebe tayikof mekla uwal. 18Sehay ire le be cchapipidah, ila towe yoh le bela buyoy mekla uwal le be tayikof, ngo sehay le be tayikof mala tumlal ila towe yoh le be momay mekla uwal. 19Te tugul sehay ire le be tayikof mekla uwal ngo rebe supiloh resa ppedadah wulyef.#Mt 3:10; Lk 3:9 20Ila ha bele moch la golar profeta kala rete katos mo irel mekla wegdigir.#Mt 12:33
Ifaesul Toglah
(Luke 13:25–27)
21“Te panger rechokla rema ffesanguyey bo ‘Samol, Samol’ ngo rebe bulong lal mala Lamliyel Laeng, bo halachog rechokla rema foru mekla mala Temay wol laeng ye dipli mele rebe bulong iyang. 22Yodla bela budoh Rael Tatelal Hapatpat ngo ye cholop le re bele kangaluyey bo, ‘Samol, Samol! Fael mala idem mele ha kapta mala yalol Deus ngalir yarmat iyang, ngo fael mala idem mele sa cholop moniyan le hasa hachuyar mo uwor yarmat. Iwe ngo ye wol cholop kkemal kala hasa foru irel mala idem.’ 23Iwe ngo Ngang ibele kangalur bo, ‘Ngang ila ifasul toglahmi. Ha chuy mo irey, hami chotayikof kala!’#Ps 6:8
Rumal Chol Hassul Imw
(Luke 6:47–49)
24“Iwe ngo rechokla re rongrong ngo re talenga meka yaloy, ila rebe wochog semal mal le ye repiy le ye hasuy imwla imwal wol hohyal. 25Yela kkel yal ppotog sala ssogdah mololul ngo ye burloh wol fuluy ngo ye mmordoh yang. Ngo tor mele imw we ye foru bo mil mala ye hassu wol hohyal.
26“Iwe ngo rechokla re rongrong meka yaloy ngo re temechal talenga, le re wochog semal mal le ye buch bo ye hasu imwla imwal wol piy. 27Yela kkel yal ppotog sala ssogdah mololul ngo ye burloh wol fuluy, ngo ye mmordoh yang, sa ppungdiy imw we sala medardarloh.”
Kkelel Yalol Jesus
28Yodwe yela mol yael Jesus sor meka, ngo buwa we ye luwdah irel wululul yal foloy.#7:28–29; Mk 1:22; Lk 4:32 29Jesus ila yete hafedeg ngalir mokwe sensel Hatobtob we; bo iy ila ye foloy le yor kkelel mokwe ye kekapta.

선택된 구절:

Matthew 7: ULI





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