

7 중 1 일째

This topic ranges from those who say it's wrong to date anyone unless you plan to marry him or her to those who date all the time just for fun. While the Bible doesn't use the word dating, it does offer some pretty direct principles for how to treat those of the opposite sex or a brother or sister in Christ. As always with the topic of relationships with the opposite sex, it's a good idea to know your motives before the situation arises. What is the point of dating? Why do you want to get involved with this person? How does this relationship honor God? It's not too late to learn how to date!

묵상 소개


하나님은 데이트에 대해 어떻게 말씀하실까요? 본 계획은 7일 동안 짧은 말씀을 통해 데이트에 관한 성경적인 관점을 제시합니다. 말씀을 읽고 묵상하면서 자신의 상황에 솔직하게 적용해 보세요, 그리고 하나님의 음성에 귀를 기울여 보세요.


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