마지막 교훈: 고난주간 묵상보기

The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan

10 중 3 일째

Serve and Love

I’m a bit of a neat freak and having three little girls five and younger has totally thrown me off my game. I simply can’t keep up with it all and it drives me crazy most days. I bought this sign the other day that says, “Pardon the mess. My children are making memories.” I hung it up and pass it 100 times a day, as I pass a pile of Legos, laundry, tutus, dirty dishes, clean towels ready to be folded days ago and I whisper to myself: “Make memories, Becky. Make memories.”

I can get so distracted in the fixing, that I miss the loving.

Today’s reading takes us to another table of those Jesus spent a significant amount of days with, those whom we read that he loved and considered His own.

Read John 13:1-17 and note Jesus’ disposition towards the disciples.

Jesus, the Son of God and Redeemer of all mankind, humbled Himself, and washed 12 stinky feet. I don’t think He noticed the dirt or the stench though. He knew this was His final hours with those He loved and He needed this lesson to stand out—words alone wouldn’t due this time. So He lowered Himself and wiped away the mess.

Re-read John 13:15-17.

Who are people that you serve (or should serve)? Co-Workers or employees? Children? Roommates or a spouse? Friends? Neighbors?

What is one way you could, figuratively speaking, wash their feet this week? Or maybe you need to literally wash someone’s feet, whose could that be?

Now read John 13:34-35.

Serving one another is how we love one another. In fact, Jesus says that is how others will know we are Christians. Do other’s know you are a Christian, a follower of Jesus?

The way I see many represent Christianity on social media is truly heartbreaking. We have lost our mission to serve and love. We care more about trying to mold those who don’t claim to follow Christ into His image. When, instead, we are called to serve and love, not force others to conform.

How could an approach to serve and love, instead of judge, change the way others might experience Christ?

How freeing to know it’s not up to us to change the world or save the world! All we are called to do is humble ourselves choosing to serve and love others.

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묵상 소개

The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan

이번 고난주간에는 예수님께서 이 땅에서 보내신 마지막 주간에 대한 묵상을 통해 교훈을 얻었으면 합니다. 매일 예수님께서 우리에게 주신 교훈과 선물을 받게 될 것입니다. 여러분이 그분의 백성을 사랑하고 그분을 따르는 것이 예수님께서 가장 관심을 갖고 계셨다는 사실을 상기해 보시겠습니까? 이번 고난주간에 예수님은 여러분에게 무엇을 가르치길 원하셨을까요?


이 묵상 계획을 제공해 주신 Sacred Holidays의 Becky Kiser님께 감사를 전합니다. 보다 자세한 것을 알기 원하시면 www.sacredholidays.com를 방문해 주십시오.