Genesis 22:14
EasyEnglish Bible 2024
Abraham called that place ‘The LORD provides.’ People still say today, ‘On the mountain of the LORD, he will provide what we need.’
Luka Genesis 22:14
Genesis 22:2
God said, ‘Take your son and go to the land of Moriah. Take your only son Isaac, whom you love. You must offer him to me there as a burnt offering. I will show you the mountain where you must do this.’
Luka Genesis 22:2
Genesis 22:12
The angel said, ‘Do not hurt the boy! Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you respect God and you obey him. Isaac is your only son and you agreed to offer him to me as a sacrifice. You did not try to keep him safe.’
Luka Genesis 22:12
Genesis 22:8
Abraham replied, ‘My son, God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering.’ The two of them continued to walk on together.
Luka Genesis 22:8
Genesis 22:17-18
Because you have done this, I will bless you. I will cause your descendants to be so many that people cannot count them. They will be as many as the stars that are in the sky. They will be as many as the pieces of sand on the shore by the sea. Your descendants will win against their enemies and take their enemies' cities for themselves. I will bless all the nations on the earth through your descendants. I will do this because you have obeyed me.’
Luka Genesis 22:17-18
Genesis 22:1
Some time later, God wanted to see if Abraham really trusted him. God said to him, ‘Abraham!’ Abraham replied, ‘Here I am.’
Luka Genesis 22:1
Genesis 22:11
But then the angel of the LORD spoke to Abraham from heaven. He said, ‘Abraham! Abraham!’ Abraham replied, ‘Here I am.’
Luka Genesis 22:11
Genesis 22:15-16
The angel of the LORD called from heaven to Abraham again. He said, ‘This is what the LORD says. I promise that this is what I will do for you. You did not try to keep your son safe, but you offered him to me. And he was your only son.
Luka Genesis 22:15-16
Genesis 22:9
They came to the place that God told them about. Abraham built an altar there. He put the wood on it, ready for the fire. Then he tied his son Isaac. He lifted him up and he put him on top of the wood on the altar.
Luka Genesis 22:9