Genesis 15:6
Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling
Abram believed to God, and it was reckoned to him to rightwiseness.
Luka Genesis 15:6
Genesis 15:1
And so when these things were done, the word of the Lord was made to Abram by a vision, and said, Abram, do not thou dread, I am thy defender, and thy meed is full great.
Luka Genesis 15:1
Genesis 15:5
And the Lord led out Abram, and said to him, Behold thou heaven, and number the stars, if thou mayest. And the Lord said to Abram, So thy seed shall be.
Luka Genesis 15:5
Genesis 15:4
And anon the word of the Lord was made to him, and said, This shall not be thine heir, but thou shalt have him heir, that shall go out of thy womb.
Luka Genesis 15:4
Genesis 15:13
And it was said to him, Know thou a before-knowing, that thy seed shall be [a] pilgrim four hundred years in a land not his own, and they shall make them subject to servage, and they shall torment them
Luka Genesis 15:13
Genesis 15:2
And Abram said, Lord God, what shalt thou give to me? I shall go without free children, and this Damascus, son of Eliezer, the procurator of mine house, shall be mine heir.
Luka Genesis 15:2
Genesis 15:18
In that day the Lord made a covenant of peace with Abram, and said, I shall give to thy seed this land, from the river of Egypt till to the great river Euphrates
Luka Genesis 15:18
Genesis 15:16
Soothly in the fourth generation they shall turn again hither, for the wickedness of [the] Amorites be not yet [full-]filled, till to present time.
Luka Genesis 15:16