Luk'as Dooshishiyo 13
Naandre eraaw jametsuwots t'afitkno
1Manoor ashuwots Iyesusok waat, «Gelil ashuwots woosho bo t'intsfere P'ilat'os boon b́úd'i, bo s'atsonowere wooshoonton ekb́k'ri» ett bokeewu. 2Iyesuswere hank'o ett boosh bíaaniy, «Eshe, Gelil ashmanots keewi gond jamman bo ats b́bod bo Gelil ash jamotse bog morr fintsuwotsi bowottsosh arefa itsha? 3‹Mank'oyiyaliye, naandre eto itk'azal itwor bokok'o t'afitute› etre itsha. 4Selihom gimbiwo bo ats girshat bíere k'irts tatse shmt ashuwots jango aak'owe itsh bíari? Bo Iyerusalemitse beyiru ash jamwotsiyere bogo morretsuwotsi boteshtsok'o arefa itsha? 5Mank'oyiyaliye! naandre eto itk'azal itwoor bokok'owa it t'afiti.»
Shuraw belesi mitu bi artsok'o
6Maniye hakon Iyesus jewurets keewan b́keewu, «Ash iko b́ woyini mituwots beyoke tokets belesi mitu fa'aniye btesh, belesiy mitmanatse shuwo daatsituwe ett amt datsraniyere b́ oori. 7Eshe mituwotsi kotiruwosh ‹Hamb, belesi mitanatse shuwo datsifta etaat keez nato ti anaani, ernmó eegor shuwo daatsratse, andowo k'ut'k'rowe! eegishe datso bi awaashiyiri?› bí eti. 8Mituwotsi kotiruwonuwere hank'o ett bíaaniy, ‹Doonzono! aab handransh k'ayk'rowe, b gúro goyde'er dats goofituwo b gúrats gedetuwe, 9Gawish shuwo bímal shengre, mank'o woto b́k'zal bin k'ut'k'rewe.› »
Iyesus Ik'i aawon jik' k'uur wotts máátsu b́ kashitsok'o
10Iyesus Ik'i aawots ayhudiwots Ik' k'oni maa ikotse b́daniyfera b́tesh, 11Manoknowere tatse shmt naton tuwat kim shayro b jiik'o b́k'urits mááts iku fa'a btesh, jik' k'uur b́wottsotse b́ jamon kááwu dek'ofalratsa. 12Iyesus bin b́ bek'tsok'on s'eegdek't, «Nee máátsane n shodotse kasherne!» bíet. 13B́ kishonowere biats b́gedi, manoor kawudek'at ned'bgutsi, Ik'onowere b údi.
14 #
Kesh. 20:9-10; Iwi. 5:13-14 Iyesus saambati aawon b́ kashitsotse Ik' k'oni maa naasho fayat ash ashosh, «Ik gawuyotse fin finet shrt aawwots fa'ane, aawanotsn waar kashowere, saambati aawonomó kasho woteratse» ett b́ keewi.
15Doonzo Iyesuswere hank'o ett bísh bíaaniy, «It tooko dambaan detsirwotso, ititse ik iko Ik'i aawon b́ minzi beero k'as'tse kishde'er, wee b́daazo tipotse bishde'er aats b́ úshetuwok damalkeya? 16Eshe, Abraham naar wotts máátsan tatse shmt nat s'eeno shed'anon tipeyat b kic'efere teshrane, bi bere, tipeyat bkic'iru shodanitse Ik'i aawon bítse biisho bish geyiratsa?» 17B́ keewts keewannó Iyesus bín k'efiruwotsi jitsi b́k'r, ash ashonmó Iyesus b́ fints adits keewu jamon bo geneúwi.
Sinafc'i ááwun ariyetso
(Mat. 13:31-32; Mar. 4:30-32)
18Iyesus hank'owa bíet, «Ik'i mengstu eega biari erono? Himó awunton bin nutsiwuta? 19Ash iko b́ taritalots b́ shookts snafic'i aawuniye bíari, bi enat mit wotbgutsi, kafuwotswere b jaabats bo kúto agbodek'í.»
Boot' shasho ariyetso
(Mat. 13:33)
20Iyesus aani hank'o biet, «Ik'i mengstu egontoniya t nutsiti? 21Ik'i mengstu, mááts iku boot' jamo b́ shashfetso keez tatsi shel buudots baad'i bk'rts boot' shashituniye biari.»
Fengesh t'ebu
(Mat. 7:13-14, 21-23)
22Maniye okoon Iyesus Iyerusalem maants amfetst kit kitonat gal galotse daniyfetstni b́ beshefo. 23Manoor ash iko, «Doonzono, kashit ashuwots muk'nowa?» ett bíaat.
Iyesus hank'o ett boosh bíaaniy, 24«Fengsh t'ebun beshosh kup'ore, fengesh mann kindosh geyiruwots aynee, ernmó kindo faleratsne etiruwe itsha. 25Moo doonz tuur fengesho is'etuwe, itwere úratse bede'er fengesho toofetsr ‹Doonzono! oona neesha noosh k'eshuwe!› eto de'e tuwitute, bíwere ‹Ewukik it wattsok'o danatse!› err itsh bíaniti. 26Manoor it, ‹Nenton towat marone, towat úshrone, no jebatsnowere danirne› it eteti. 27#Dub. 6:8 Bíwere aaniy ‹Aawoke it wottsok'o danatse, it gond finets jamanots ti atse wokoore!› bí eteti. 28#Mat. 22:13; 25:30 Abrahami, Yisehak'i, Yak'obi, Nebiyi jamwotsi Ik'i mengstotse bek'etute, itmo úratse juweyar it oror eeponat gash k'asho itats bodetuwe. 29#Mat. 8:11-12 Ay ashuwots aaw kindon aaw keshon, gaarnat muurn weetúne, Ik'i mengstotse mishi marats beetúne. 30#Mat. 19:30; 20:16; Mar. 10:31 Mann shintswots shuuts shutstswotswere shintsi wotitune.»
Iyesus Iyerusalemsh b́ eptsok'owo
(Mat. 23:37-39)
31Manoor ferisawiyotsitse ik ikuwots Iyesus maants t'int «Herodis neen úd'osh b́geyiruwotse hanoke keer amee» bo et.
32Ernmó Iyesus boosh hank'owa bíet, wangmansh «Amr ‹Hambetsonat yatson fo'erawo kishitwe, shodetswotsi kashitwe, keezl aawonowere t fino ishitwe› etfe err keewwere. 33Wotowa eree hambetsonat yatson, sharto t weerindo Iyerusalem maants amo taash geyife, nebiyiyo Iyerusalemiye okoon k'osh beyoke k'iro bísh geyiratse.
34«Iyerusalem! Iyerusaleme! nee nebiyiwotsi úd'irune, n maants wosheets wosh na'úwotsi shútson togirwune, baaku b na'o b gop'shots bkakufok'o, taawere ambtsoto n nana'o kakwo t geyi! ernmó neenat niashwots k'azfone etrte. 35#Dub. 118:26; Erm. 22:5 Mansh it moo bashone b́ ooriti, arikone itsh tkeewirye, ‹Doonzo shútson wetuwo deereke› it etfetsosh b́ jamon taan be'atste.»
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Luk'as Dooshishiyo 13: BrnNTLtn
Tya elembo
Olingi kobomba makomi na yo wapi otye elembo na baapareyi na yo nyonso? Kota to mpe Komisa nkombo
The Word for the World International Publishing PO Box 26363, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, USA
Luk'as Dooshishiyo 13
Naandre eraaw jametsuwots t'afitkno
1Manoor ashuwots Iyesusok waat, «Gelil ashuwots woosho bo t'intsfere P'ilat'os boon b́úd'i, bo s'atsonowere wooshoonton ekb́k'ri» ett bokeewu. 2Iyesuswere hank'o ett boosh bíaaniy, «Eshe, Gelil ashmanots keewi gond jamman bo ats b́bod bo Gelil ash jamotse bog morr fintsuwotsi bowottsosh arefa itsha? 3‹Mank'oyiyaliye, naandre eto itk'azal itwor bokok'o t'afitute› etre itsha. 4Selihom gimbiwo bo ats girshat bíere k'irts tatse shmt ashuwots jango aak'owe itsh bíari? Bo Iyerusalemitse beyiru ash jamwotsiyere bogo morretsuwotsi boteshtsok'o arefa itsha? 5Mank'oyiyaliye! naandre eto itk'azal itwoor bokok'owa it t'afiti.»
Shuraw belesi mitu bi artsok'o
6Maniye hakon Iyesus jewurets keewan b́keewu, «Ash iko b́ woyini mituwots beyoke tokets belesi mitu fa'aniye btesh, belesiy mitmanatse shuwo daatsituwe ett amt datsraniyere b́ oori. 7Eshe mituwotsi kotiruwosh ‹Hamb, belesi mitanatse shuwo datsifta etaat keez nato ti anaani, ernmó eegor shuwo daatsratse, andowo k'ut'k'rowe! eegishe datso bi awaashiyiri?› bí eti. 8Mituwotsi kotiruwonuwere hank'o ett bíaaniy, ‹Doonzono! aab handransh k'ayk'rowe, b gúro goyde'er dats goofituwo b gúrats gedetuwe, 9Gawish shuwo bímal shengre, mank'o woto b́k'zal bin k'ut'k'rewe.› »
Iyesus Ik'i aawon jik' k'uur wotts máátsu b́ kashitsok'o
10Iyesus Ik'i aawots ayhudiwots Ik' k'oni maa ikotse b́daniyfera b́tesh, 11Manoknowere tatse shmt naton tuwat kim shayro b jiik'o b́k'urits mááts iku fa'a btesh, jik' k'uur b́wottsotse b́ jamon kááwu dek'ofalratsa. 12Iyesus bin b́ bek'tsok'on s'eegdek't, «Nee máátsane n shodotse kasherne!» bíet. 13B́ kishonowere biats b́gedi, manoor kawudek'at ned'bgutsi, Ik'onowere b údi.
14 #
Kesh. 20:9-10; Iwi. 5:13-14 Iyesus saambati aawon b́ kashitsotse Ik' k'oni maa naasho fayat ash ashosh, «Ik gawuyotse fin finet shrt aawwots fa'ane, aawanotsn waar kashowere, saambati aawonomó kasho woteratse» ett b́ keewi.
15Doonzo Iyesuswere hank'o ett bísh bíaaniy, «It tooko dambaan detsirwotso, ititse ik iko Ik'i aawon b́ minzi beero k'as'tse kishde'er, wee b́daazo tipotse bishde'er aats b́ úshetuwok damalkeya? 16Eshe, Abraham naar wotts máátsan tatse shmt nat s'eeno shed'anon tipeyat b kic'efere teshrane, bi bere, tipeyat bkic'iru shodanitse Ik'i aawon bítse biisho bish geyiratsa?» 17B́ keewts keewannó Iyesus bín k'efiruwotsi jitsi b́k'r, ash ashonmó Iyesus b́ fints adits keewu jamon bo geneúwi.
Sinafc'i ááwun ariyetso
(Mat. 13:31-32; Mar. 4:30-32)
18Iyesus hank'owa bíet, «Ik'i mengstu eega biari erono? Himó awunton bin nutsiwuta? 19Ash iko b́ taritalots b́ shookts snafic'i aawuniye bíari, bi enat mit wotbgutsi, kafuwotswere b jaabats bo kúto agbodek'í.»
Boot' shasho ariyetso
(Mat. 13:33)
20Iyesus aani hank'o biet, «Ik'i mengstu egontoniya t nutsiti? 21Ik'i mengstu, mááts iku boot' jamo b́ shashfetso keez tatsi shel buudots baad'i bk'rts boot' shashituniye biari.»
Fengesh t'ebu
(Mat. 7:13-14, 21-23)
22Maniye okoon Iyesus Iyerusalem maants amfetst kit kitonat gal galotse daniyfetstni b́ beshefo. 23Manoor ash iko, «Doonzono, kashit ashuwots muk'nowa?» ett bíaat.
Iyesus hank'o ett boosh bíaaniy, 24«Fengsh t'ebun beshosh kup'ore, fengesh mann kindosh geyiruwots aynee, ernmó kindo faleratsne etiruwe itsha. 25Moo doonz tuur fengesho is'etuwe, itwere úratse bede'er fengesho toofetsr ‹Doonzono! oona neesha noosh k'eshuwe!› eto de'e tuwitute, bíwere ‹Ewukik it wattsok'o danatse!› err itsh bíaniti. 26Manoor it, ‹Nenton towat marone, towat úshrone, no jebatsnowere danirne› it eteti. 27#Dub. 6:8 Bíwere aaniy ‹Aawoke it wottsok'o danatse, it gond finets jamanots ti atse wokoore!› bí eteti. 28#Mat. 22:13; 25:30 Abrahami, Yisehak'i, Yak'obi, Nebiyi jamwotsi Ik'i mengstotse bek'etute, itmo úratse juweyar it oror eeponat gash k'asho itats bodetuwe. 29#Mat. 8:11-12 Ay ashuwots aaw kindon aaw keshon, gaarnat muurn weetúne, Ik'i mengstotse mishi marats beetúne. 30#Mat. 19:30; 20:16; Mar. 10:31 Mann shintswots shuuts shutstswotswere shintsi wotitune.»
Iyesus Iyerusalemsh b́ eptsok'owo
(Mat. 23:37-39)
31Manoor ferisawiyotsitse ik ikuwots Iyesus maants t'int «Herodis neen úd'osh b́geyiruwotse hanoke keer amee» bo et.
32Ernmó Iyesus boosh hank'owa bíet, wangmansh «Amr ‹Hambetsonat yatson fo'erawo kishitwe, shodetswotsi kashitwe, keezl aawonowere t fino ishitwe› etfe err keewwere. 33Wotowa eree hambetsonat yatson, sharto t weerindo Iyerusalem maants amo taash geyife, nebiyiyo Iyerusalemiye okoon k'osh beyoke k'iro bísh geyiratse.
34«Iyerusalem! Iyerusaleme! nee nebiyiwotsi úd'irune, n maants wosheets wosh na'úwotsi shútson togirwune, baaku b na'o b gop'shots bkakufok'o, taawere ambtsoto n nana'o kakwo t geyi! ernmó neenat niashwots k'azfone etrte. 35#Dub. 118:26; Erm. 22:5 Mansh it moo bashone b́ ooriti, arikone itsh tkeewirye, ‹Doonzo shútson wetuwo deereke› it etfetsosh b́ jamon taan be'atste.»
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Tya elembo
Olingi kobomba makomi na yo wapi otye elembo na baapareyi na yo nyonso? Kota to mpe Komisa nkombo
The Word for the World International Publishing PO Box 26363, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, USA