Mattha 1:21
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
She wull hae a sinn, an ye ir tae gie hïm tha name Jesus, fer he wull save hïs ain fowk frae thair wrangdaeins.”
Mikaroka Mattha 1:21
Mattha 1:23
“A virgin wull cairrie a wean, a sinn, an whan he's boarn, he'll be caad Immanuel” - mainin “God ïs wi iz.”
Mikaroka Mattha 1:23
Mattha 1:20
He wus thïnkin aboot aa thïs, whan lo an behoul, an angel o tha Loard appeart tae hïm ïn a draim an saed, “Joseph, sinn o Davit, dïnnae be feart tae tak Mary fer yer wife, fer tha wean she's cairryin ïs o tha Halie Spïrit.
Mikaroka Mattha 1:20
Mattha 1:18-19
An thïs ïs hoo tha birth o Jesus Christ cum aboot: hïs mither Mary wus promist tae Joseph, but afore the' cum thegither, she fun oot she wus wi a wean. An ït wus bi tha Halie Spïrit. Noo Joseph hir husban wus a dacent man an he dïdnae want hir tae be affrontit, sae he thocht tae senn hir awa on tha quait.
Mikaroka Mattha 1:18-19