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Dikan-tenin'ny Baiboly

Bibliya Yera 1951, 1967 (Burundi)


New Testament 1951

The New Testament was published in 1951. It was translated by Rosemary Guillebaud of the Church Missionary Society, assisted by H.P. Jensen of the Danish Baptist Mission, Stefano Ndimubandi, Emanueri T. Sibomana and Yosefu Sinkema.

Bible 1967

The whole Bible was published in 1967. The Old Testament was translated by Rosemary Guillebaud of the Church Missionary Society, Stefano Ndimubandi and Daniel Mudende. It was published in double column format, with chapter and section headings, marginal references, illustrations and maps.

Digital Edition

The Rundi Bible was digitised with the help of MissionAssist.

Bible Society of Burundi


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Dikan-teny hafa nataon'i Bible Society of Burundi

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