Isaiah 6
1In the year, in which Uzziab the king died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lofty; and his train filled the temple.
2Above him stood the Seraphim: each one of them had six wings: with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, mid with twain he did fly. 3And the one called to the other, and said:
Holy, holy, holy, is Jehovah of hosts!
The whole earth is full of his glory.
4And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him, who called; and the house was filled with smoke. 5Then I said, Wo is me! I am undone: because I am a man of unclean lips; and in the midst of a people of unclean lips do i dwell: for mine eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of hosts. 6Then flew one of the Seraphim unto me; and in his hand was a burning coal, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar. 7And he touched my mouth, and said: Lo, this bath touched thy lips: thine iniquity is removed, and thy sin is expiated. 8And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: Whom shall I send; and who will go for us! And I said: Behold, here am I, send me. 9And he said:
Go, and say thou to this people:
Hear ye distinctly, but ye shall not understand;
See ye clearly, but ye shall not perceive;
10Make gross the heart of this people;
Make their ears dull, and close up their eyes;
Lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears,
And understand with their hearts, and be converted, and be healed.
11And I said; How long, Lord! And he said:
Until the cities be laid waste, so that there be no inhabitant;
And the houses, so that there be no man:
And the land be left utterly desolate.
12Then Jehovah will remove men far away;
And great shall be the desolation in the midst of the land.
13But should there still be left in it a tenth part,
It would likewise be consumed;
Yet, as the teberinth and the oak, when they are cut down, have their stem remaining;
So also a holy seed, as a stem of the people, shall remain.
Isaiah 6: TEG
Дали сакаш да ги зачуваш Нагласувањата на сите твои уреди? Пријави се или најави се
Translated by Rev John Jones (Ioan Tegid).Published at Oxford in 1830, second edition 1842.
Isaiah 6
1In the year, in which Uzziab the king died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lofty; and his train filled the temple.
2Above him stood the Seraphim: each one of them had six wings: with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, mid with twain he did fly. 3And the one called to the other, and said:
Holy, holy, holy, is Jehovah of hosts!
The whole earth is full of his glory.
4And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him, who called; and the house was filled with smoke. 5Then I said, Wo is me! I am undone: because I am a man of unclean lips; and in the midst of a people of unclean lips do i dwell: for mine eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of hosts. 6Then flew one of the Seraphim unto me; and in his hand was a burning coal, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar. 7And he touched my mouth, and said: Lo, this bath touched thy lips: thine iniquity is removed, and thy sin is expiated. 8And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: Whom shall I send; and who will go for us! And I said: Behold, here am I, send me. 9And he said:
Go, and say thou to this people:
Hear ye distinctly, but ye shall not understand;
See ye clearly, but ye shall not perceive;
10Make gross the heart of this people;
Make their ears dull, and close up their eyes;
Lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears,
And understand with their hearts, and be converted, and be healed.
11And I said; How long, Lord! And he said:
Until the cities be laid waste, so that there be no inhabitant;
And the houses, so that there be no man:
And the land be left utterly desolate.
12Then Jehovah will remove men far away;
And great shall be the desolation in the midst of the land.
13But should there still be left in it a tenth part,
It would likewise be consumed;
Yet, as the teberinth and the oak, when they are cut down, have their stem remaining;
So also a holy seed, as a stem of the people, shall remain.
Дали сакаш да ги зачуваш Нагласувањата на сите твои уреди? Пријави се или најави се
Translated by Rev John Jones (Ioan Tegid).Published at Oxford in 1830, second edition 1842.