Luke 19:10
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
because the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that, which is lost gone.
Luke 19:10 പര്യവേക്ഷണം ചെയ്യുക
Luke 19:38
and have said: blessed is the king, who comes in the Name of the L-rd (Hashem); peace in heaven, and glory in the highest!
Luke 19:38 പര്യവേക്ഷണം ചെയ്യുക
Luke 19:9
Yehoshua has however to him said: today is a salvation come on the this house, because even he is a son of Abraham
Luke 19:9 പര്യവേക്ഷണം ചെയ്യുക
Luke 19:5-6
and as Yehoshua is come to the place, has he looked up and said to him: Zakkai, come quickly down; because today must I stay with you (SG) in house! and he is quick come down, and has him welcomed with joy.
Luke 19:5-6 പര്യവേക്ഷണം ചെയ്യുക
Luke 19:8
Zakkai however has self stand up and said to the L-rd: look, the half of my possessions, L-rd, give I to the poor people, and if I have with anyone something extorted, give I him back four times as much.
Luke 19:8 പര്യവേക്ഷണം ചെയ്യുക
Luke 19:39-40
and some of the Pharisees out of the crowd of people have said to him: Rebbe, shout on on your disciples! and he has answering said: I tell you (PL): if the these silent, will the stones shout!
Luke 19:39-40 പര്യവേക്ഷണം ചെയ്യുക