Luik 7
Tha centurion's faith
1Whan Jesus haed daen taakin tae tha fowk, he gaed ïntae Capernaum. 2Thair wus thïs centurion thonner haed a sarvin man he thocht weel o, that wus seeck an deein. 3Whan he heerd tell o Jesus, he axt some eldèrs o tha Jews tae fin oot ïf Jesus wud cum an mak tha sarvin man weel agane. 4-5Whan the' cum tae Jesus, the' kep beggin hïm, sayin, “Ye shud dae sumthin fer thïs man, fer he wus tarrible fand o us Jews, an he even bigged a Meetin Hoose fer iz. He desarves ye tae dae thïs fer hïm.” 6Sae Jesus gan awa wi thaim.
Whan he wus nearhan tha hoose, tha centurion sent freens oot fer tae tell hïm, “Loard, dïnnae bother cumin onie neardèr, fer A'm no fït tae hae ye cum unnèr ma ruif. 7It's no fer tha laiks o me tae cum tae you. But jist say tha wurd, an ma sarvin man wull be weel agane. 8Fer A ken hoo tae tak oardèrs; A hae sodgers unnèr me as weel. A tell yin tae gang an he gangs, an anither yin tae cum, an he cums. A tell ma sarvin man, ‘Dae thïs!’ an he daes ït.” 9Whan Jesus heerd thïs, he wus stoondit at hïm, an he turnt roon tae tha crood cumin eftèr hïm an saed, “A'm tellin ye, A niver fun oniebodie wi sitch faith ïn aa Israel.” 10Whan tha freens that wur sent oot cum bak tae tha centurion's hoose, the' fun tha sarvin man weel agane.
Tha weeda o Nain's sinn
11Tha nixt day, Jesus went tae a toon caad Nain. Hïs follaers an a bïg crood o fowk cum alang wi hïm. 12Whan he cum near tha gate ïntae tha toon, ït happent that the' wur cairryin oot a deid man, a weeda wumman's ainlie sinn. An a bïg crood wus follaein hir oot frae tha toon. 13Whan tha Loard lukt at hir, he tuk peetie on hir, an he toul hir, “Dïnnae greet”. 14He cum ower an püt hïs han on tha coffin, an tha yins that wur cairtin ït stapt. He saed, “Cum on, young man, up ye get!” 15Tha deid man sut up an stairtit tae taak, an Jesus gien hïm bak tae hïs mither. 16The' wur aa hairt-scarred, an the' praised God, sayin, “A pooerfu proaphit haes ris up frae amang iz. God haes cum tae halp hïs fowk oot.” 17Whut Jesus daen that day wus tha taak o tha hale o Judea an aa tha kintrie roon aboot.
Jesus an Jhone tha Baptiser
18Jhone heerd aboot aa thïs frae hïs follaers. 19An he caad fer twa o thaim an sent thaim tae tha Loard fer tae ax, “Wud you be tha Yin that wus supposed tae cum, or shud we be lukkin oot fer some ither bodie?” 20The' cum tae Jesus an saed, “Jhone tha Baptiser sent iz tae ax ye, ‘Ir you tha Yin that wus supposed tae cum?#7.20 The' wur taakin aboot tha Messiah Or shud we be lukkin oot fer some ither bodie?’” 21At that oor, Jesus made a lock o seeck fowk weel agane frae thair ailments. He rïd thaim o ïll spïrits, an he made fowk that wur blin able tae see agane. 22He toul Jhone's follaers, “Gang bak an gie Jhone an accoont o whut ye hae saen an heerd. Blin fowk can see noo, lameters can waak, fowk wi leprosie ir makkit weel. Deef fowk can hear. Tha deid leeve agane. An tha Guid News ïs praicht tae tha puir. 23An blisst ïs tha yin that daesnae misdoot me.”#7.23 or: ïs no affrontit o me.
24Whan Jhone's messengers went awa, Jesus stairtit tae taak tae tha croods aboot Jhone. He axt thaim, “Whut dïd ye gang oot ïntae tha wuldèrness fer tae see? Wus ït tae see tha rushes sweein ïn tha wun? 25If no, whut dïd ye thïnk ye wud see oot thair? A man aa rigged oot ïn fancie claes? Na, fowk that's weel dresst an leevin ït up, ït's ïn kïngs' palaces ye wull fin them. 26Sae whut dïd yis gae oot fer tae see? Wus ït a proaphit? Ay, A tell ye, an faur mair ner a proaphit. 27Thïs ïs tha yin tha Scrïptures taak aboot whaniver the' say: ‘Lïsten, A'll senn oot ma messenger aheid o ye; he wull mak readie tha wye afore ye.’ 28A tell ye, thair wus niver a bettèr man boarn o a wumman ner Jhone, an yit tha yin that ïs laist ïn tha Kïngdom o God ïs a bettèr man ner hïm.” 29(Aa tha fowk, even tha tex men, whaniver the' haed heerd thïs, the' knowed fer sartin God's wye wus richt, fer the' haed bin baptised bi Jhone. 30But tha Pharisees an tha laayers haednae hoult wi God's plan fer thaim. They haednae bin baptised bi Jhone.)
31Jesus axt thaim, “Whut wull A say aboot tha fowk noo-a-days? Whut kine o fowk ir the'? 32The' ir laik weans sïttin doon at tha mairket, caain oot tae yin anither, ‘We played tha whustle fer ye, an ye wudnae daunce. We sung a dirge tae ye, an ye wudnae greet.’ 33Fer Jhone tha Baptiser wusnae ïntae aitin breid ner drïnkin wine whaniver he cum, an ye say, ‘Thair's a baad spïrit ïn hïm.’ 34But tha Sinn o Man cum aitin an drïnkin, an ye say, ‘Wud ye luk at hïm, he's a glutton, an he's tarrible fand o tha drïnk, sae he ïs - tha freen o tex men an wrangdaers!’ 35But whan fowk daes whut's richt, the' prove tha wusdom o God's wyes.”
Jesus anointit bi tha sïnfu wumman
36Noo yin o tha Pharisees axt Jesus fer hïs dennèr, sae Jesus went hame wi hïm fer a bite tae ait an tuk hïs place at tha boord. 37An thair wus thïs wumman wi a baad name aboot tha toon, an whaniver she heerd that Jesus wus aitin at tha Pharisee's hoose, she brocht a wee crock o scent wi hir, 38an as she wus behin hïm greetin, hir tears stairtit tae faa on Jesus's feet. Tha wumman dryed hïs feet wi tha hair o hir heid, an she kïsst thaim as she poored tha scent ower thaim. 39Noo whaniver tha Pharisee that haed axt hïm tae cum saen thïs, he thocht tae hissel, “If thïs man wus a proaphit, he shud hae kent whut soart o a wumman thïs ïs that toucht hïm. He shud a knowed she's a baad wumman.” 40Jesus toul hïm, “A want tae tell ye sumthin, Simon.” Simon saed, “Maistèr, whut hae ye tae tell me?” 41“Thair wus thïs man,” saed Jesus, “that wud hae lent siller tae fowk. An twa men owed hïm. Tha yin owed hïm five hunnèr siller coins, an tha ither owed hïm fïftie. 42Noo whan nane o tha twa haed eneuch siller tae pye hïm bak, tha money-lender toul thaim ït wus aa richt, an he lut thaim aff. Whut yin o thaim, dae ye thïnk, wud laik hïm tha maist?” 43Simon saed, “Tha yin that he lut aff that owed hïm tha maist, A suppose.” Says Jesus, “Ay, that's richt. Ye hae saed ït.” 44Then Jesus lukt ower at tha wumman an saed tae Simon, “Dae ye see thïs wumman? A cum ïntae yer hoose, an ye niver gien me onie wattèr fer ma feet. But she haes waasht ma feet wi hir tears, an dichtit thaim wi hir hair. 45Ye dïdnae show that ye wur gled tae see me bi giein me a kïss, but thïs wumman haesnae stapt kïssin ma feet sin A cum ïn! 46Ye niver even thocht o pittin a drap o oyle on ma heid, but thïs wumman haes poored scent aa ower ma feet. 47A tell ye, hir monie wrangdaeins haes bin forgien, fer she haes showed that much love tae me. Tha yin that haes bin forgien a wee bït, wull onlie love a wee bït.” 48An Jesus saed tae tha wumman, “Yer wrangdaeins ir forgien.” 49Tha ither fowk thair at tha table stairtit tae taak amang thairsels, sayin, “Whut kine o man ïs thïs, that can e'en forgie wrangdaeins?” 50Then Jesus saed tae tha wumman, “Yer faith haes saved ye. Gang weel!”
നിലവിൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നു:
Luik 7: USNT
ഹൈലൈറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക
പങ്ക് വെക്കു
നിങ്ങളുടെ എല്ലാ ഉപകരണങ്ങളിലും ഹൈലൈറ്റുകൾ സംരക്ഷിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നുണ്ടോ? സൈൻ അപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക അല്ലെങ്കിൽ സൈൻ ഇൻ ചെയ്യുക
© Ulster-Scots Language Society 2020
Luik 7
Tha centurion's faith
1Whan Jesus haed daen taakin tae tha fowk, he gaed ïntae Capernaum. 2Thair wus thïs centurion thonner haed a sarvin man he thocht weel o, that wus seeck an deein. 3Whan he heerd tell o Jesus, he axt some eldèrs o tha Jews tae fin oot ïf Jesus wud cum an mak tha sarvin man weel agane. 4-5Whan the' cum tae Jesus, the' kep beggin hïm, sayin, “Ye shud dae sumthin fer thïs man, fer he wus tarrible fand o us Jews, an he even bigged a Meetin Hoose fer iz. He desarves ye tae dae thïs fer hïm.” 6Sae Jesus gan awa wi thaim.
Whan he wus nearhan tha hoose, tha centurion sent freens oot fer tae tell hïm, “Loard, dïnnae bother cumin onie neardèr, fer A'm no fït tae hae ye cum unnèr ma ruif. 7It's no fer tha laiks o me tae cum tae you. But jist say tha wurd, an ma sarvin man wull be weel agane. 8Fer A ken hoo tae tak oardèrs; A hae sodgers unnèr me as weel. A tell yin tae gang an he gangs, an anither yin tae cum, an he cums. A tell ma sarvin man, ‘Dae thïs!’ an he daes ït.” 9Whan Jesus heerd thïs, he wus stoondit at hïm, an he turnt roon tae tha crood cumin eftèr hïm an saed, “A'm tellin ye, A niver fun oniebodie wi sitch faith ïn aa Israel.” 10Whan tha freens that wur sent oot cum bak tae tha centurion's hoose, the' fun tha sarvin man weel agane.
Tha weeda o Nain's sinn
11Tha nixt day, Jesus went tae a toon caad Nain. Hïs follaers an a bïg crood o fowk cum alang wi hïm. 12Whan he cum near tha gate ïntae tha toon, ït happent that the' wur cairryin oot a deid man, a weeda wumman's ainlie sinn. An a bïg crood wus follaein hir oot frae tha toon. 13Whan tha Loard lukt at hir, he tuk peetie on hir, an he toul hir, “Dïnnae greet”. 14He cum ower an püt hïs han on tha coffin, an tha yins that wur cairtin ït stapt. He saed, “Cum on, young man, up ye get!” 15Tha deid man sut up an stairtit tae taak, an Jesus gien hïm bak tae hïs mither. 16The' wur aa hairt-scarred, an the' praised God, sayin, “A pooerfu proaphit haes ris up frae amang iz. God haes cum tae halp hïs fowk oot.” 17Whut Jesus daen that day wus tha taak o tha hale o Judea an aa tha kintrie roon aboot.
Jesus an Jhone tha Baptiser
18Jhone heerd aboot aa thïs frae hïs follaers. 19An he caad fer twa o thaim an sent thaim tae tha Loard fer tae ax, “Wud you be tha Yin that wus supposed tae cum, or shud we be lukkin oot fer some ither bodie?” 20The' cum tae Jesus an saed, “Jhone tha Baptiser sent iz tae ax ye, ‘Ir you tha Yin that wus supposed tae cum?#7.20 The' wur taakin aboot tha Messiah Or shud we be lukkin oot fer some ither bodie?’” 21At that oor, Jesus made a lock o seeck fowk weel agane frae thair ailments. He rïd thaim o ïll spïrits, an he made fowk that wur blin able tae see agane. 22He toul Jhone's follaers, “Gang bak an gie Jhone an accoont o whut ye hae saen an heerd. Blin fowk can see noo, lameters can waak, fowk wi leprosie ir makkit weel. Deef fowk can hear. Tha deid leeve agane. An tha Guid News ïs praicht tae tha puir. 23An blisst ïs tha yin that daesnae misdoot me.”#7.23 or: ïs no affrontit o me.
24Whan Jhone's messengers went awa, Jesus stairtit tae taak tae tha croods aboot Jhone. He axt thaim, “Whut dïd ye gang oot ïntae tha wuldèrness fer tae see? Wus ït tae see tha rushes sweein ïn tha wun? 25If no, whut dïd ye thïnk ye wud see oot thair? A man aa rigged oot ïn fancie claes? Na, fowk that's weel dresst an leevin ït up, ït's ïn kïngs' palaces ye wull fin them. 26Sae whut dïd yis gae oot fer tae see? Wus ït a proaphit? Ay, A tell ye, an faur mair ner a proaphit. 27Thïs ïs tha yin tha Scrïptures taak aboot whaniver the' say: ‘Lïsten, A'll senn oot ma messenger aheid o ye; he wull mak readie tha wye afore ye.’ 28A tell ye, thair wus niver a bettèr man boarn o a wumman ner Jhone, an yit tha yin that ïs laist ïn tha Kïngdom o God ïs a bettèr man ner hïm.” 29(Aa tha fowk, even tha tex men, whaniver the' haed heerd thïs, the' knowed fer sartin God's wye wus richt, fer the' haed bin baptised bi Jhone. 30But tha Pharisees an tha laayers haednae hoult wi God's plan fer thaim. They haednae bin baptised bi Jhone.)
31Jesus axt thaim, “Whut wull A say aboot tha fowk noo-a-days? Whut kine o fowk ir the'? 32The' ir laik weans sïttin doon at tha mairket, caain oot tae yin anither, ‘We played tha whustle fer ye, an ye wudnae daunce. We sung a dirge tae ye, an ye wudnae greet.’ 33Fer Jhone tha Baptiser wusnae ïntae aitin breid ner drïnkin wine whaniver he cum, an ye say, ‘Thair's a baad spïrit ïn hïm.’ 34But tha Sinn o Man cum aitin an drïnkin, an ye say, ‘Wud ye luk at hïm, he's a glutton, an he's tarrible fand o tha drïnk, sae he ïs - tha freen o tex men an wrangdaers!’ 35But whan fowk daes whut's richt, the' prove tha wusdom o God's wyes.”
Jesus anointit bi tha sïnfu wumman
36Noo yin o tha Pharisees axt Jesus fer hïs dennèr, sae Jesus went hame wi hïm fer a bite tae ait an tuk hïs place at tha boord. 37An thair wus thïs wumman wi a baad name aboot tha toon, an whaniver she heerd that Jesus wus aitin at tha Pharisee's hoose, she brocht a wee crock o scent wi hir, 38an as she wus behin hïm greetin, hir tears stairtit tae faa on Jesus's feet. Tha wumman dryed hïs feet wi tha hair o hir heid, an she kïsst thaim as she poored tha scent ower thaim. 39Noo whaniver tha Pharisee that haed axt hïm tae cum saen thïs, he thocht tae hissel, “If thïs man wus a proaphit, he shud hae kent whut soart o a wumman thïs ïs that toucht hïm. He shud a knowed she's a baad wumman.” 40Jesus toul hïm, “A want tae tell ye sumthin, Simon.” Simon saed, “Maistèr, whut hae ye tae tell me?” 41“Thair wus thïs man,” saed Jesus, “that wud hae lent siller tae fowk. An twa men owed hïm. Tha yin owed hïm five hunnèr siller coins, an tha ither owed hïm fïftie. 42Noo whan nane o tha twa haed eneuch siller tae pye hïm bak, tha money-lender toul thaim ït wus aa richt, an he lut thaim aff. Whut yin o thaim, dae ye thïnk, wud laik hïm tha maist?” 43Simon saed, “Tha yin that he lut aff that owed hïm tha maist, A suppose.” Says Jesus, “Ay, that's richt. Ye hae saed ït.” 44Then Jesus lukt ower at tha wumman an saed tae Simon, “Dae ye see thïs wumman? A cum ïntae yer hoose, an ye niver gien me onie wattèr fer ma feet. But she haes waasht ma feet wi hir tears, an dichtit thaim wi hir hair. 45Ye dïdnae show that ye wur gled tae see me bi giein me a kïss, but thïs wumman haesnae stapt kïssin ma feet sin A cum ïn! 46Ye niver even thocht o pittin a drap o oyle on ma heid, but thïs wumman haes poored scent aa ower ma feet. 47A tell ye, hir monie wrangdaeins haes bin forgien, fer she haes showed that much love tae me. Tha yin that haes bin forgien a wee bït, wull onlie love a wee bït.” 48An Jesus saed tae tha wumman, “Yer wrangdaeins ir forgien.” 49Tha ither fowk thair at tha table stairtit tae taak amang thairsels, sayin, “Whut kine o man ïs thïs, that can e'en forgie wrangdaeins?” 50Then Jesus saed tae tha wumman, “Yer faith haes saved ye. Gang weel!”
നിലവിൽ തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നു:
ഹൈലൈറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക
പങ്ക് വെക്കു
നിങ്ങളുടെ എല്ലാ ഉപകരണങ്ങളിലും ഹൈലൈറ്റുകൾ സംരക്ഷിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നുണ്ടോ? സൈൻ അപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക അല്ലെങ്കിൽ സൈൻ ഇൻ ചെയ്യുക
© Ulster-Scots Language Society 2020