Start 9
God Make One Deal Fo Noah
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Start 1:28
God wen give Noah an his boys da powa fo do eryting he like um fo do. He tell um, “Born plenny kids now, an go fill up da world wit plenny peopo. 2All da wild animals all ova da world, all da birds inside da sky, all da tings dat crawl on top da groun, an all da fish inside da watta—dey all goin be real sked a you guys, but still yet you guys goin be in charge a dem. 3All da animals dat stay alive goin be food fo you guys. Same ting wit da green plants—I give um all to you guys.
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Pries 7:26-27; 17:10-14; 19:26; Rules2 12:16, 23; 15:23 “Ony one ting—I no like you guys eat meat dat still yet get da blood inside cuz dass wat make da animal stay alive. 5An fo you guys, anybody dat make you guys bleed an mahke, I da Judge make dem bleed an mahke too. Even one animal dat kill one guy o one wahine, I goin make dat animal bleed an mahke too. An anybody dat kill one guy o one wahine, I da Judge goin take away dea life, cuz dey wen kill somebody jalike dem.
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Outa 20:13; Start 1:26 “Whoeva go make somebody bleed an mahke,
Somebody gotta make dem bleed an mahke too.
Cuz God wen make da peopo
Jalike dey one picha,
Fo look jalike him, same same.
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Start 1:28
“So den, you guys. Born plenny kids, an fill up da world wit plenny peopo.”
God Make One Promise Fo No Wipe Out Erybody Wit Watta
8Den God tell Noah an his boys: 9“Kay den! Dis da deal I stay make fo you guys, fo da peopo dat goin come from you guys bumbye, 10an fo all da animals dat stay by you guys—dass da birds, da farm animals, an all da wild animals, eryting dat wen come outa da big boat wit you guys. An dass all da animals dat stay alive now on top da groun. 11Dis da deal dat I stay make fo you guys. I make dis promise: No way eryting dat stay alive goin get wipe out one mo time from da big watta. No goin get big watta lidat fo jam up da whole world no moa!”
God Make Da Rainbow Fo One Sign
12God tell um dis too: “An now, I goin do dis: I give you guys one sign, fo you guys no foget da deal I stay make. Dat deal, az fo you guys an fo all da animals dat stay wit you guys. Da sign stay fo dis deal now, an stay fo all da peopo dat goin come from you guys afta.
13“My rainbow in da heavy clouds,
Dass da sign I give you guys.
Erytime get rainbow,
Dat goin be da sign fo make you guys no foget
Dat I wen make dis deal fo you an fo da whole world!
14Erytime I make da heavy clouds come ova da groun bumbye,
Goin get one rainbow up dea in da clouds.
15Den you guys goin know dat I no foget
Da deal I wen make fo you guys,
An fo eryting dat stay alive.
Dass why I no goin sen big watta bumbye
Dat goin wipe out eryting dat stay alive.
16“Weneva da rainbow stay in da cloud, I goin look um, an I no goin foget da deal dat I wen make, dat stay foeva—me, God, I get dis deal wit all da tings dat stay alive on top da groun.”
17Dass wat God wen tell Noah: “Da rainbow, dass da sign fo da deal I wen make fo eryting dat stay alive on top da groun.”
Da Noah Boys Story
18Dat time, had Shem, Ham, an Jafet, Noah three boys, dat come outa da big boat wit him. An Ham, he get one boy name Canaan. 19Dey da three Noah boys. Erybody no matta wea dey go all ova da whole world, dey come from dem.
Noah Come Piloot An Make Shame
20Noah, he one farma guy. An he da firs guy dat eva plant one grape farm. 21One time, Noah drink some a da wine from da grape farm an he come piloot. An right dea inside da tent, he take off all his clotheses. 22Ham, da one dat get da boy Canaan, see his faddah Noah naked. But Ham, he no shame. He go outside da tent an make one big trouble bout um to da two braddah guys. 23Shem an Jafet, dey look da odda way fo no see dea faddah naked. Dey get one blanket an hold um behind dem an go backwards inside da tent fo cova him wit da blanket. Cuz a dat, dey neva see notting.
Noah Tell God Fo Make Bad Tings Happen To Da Canaan Ohana
24Laytas, Noah wake up afta he pau stay piloot. He find out wat his boy Ham do to him. 25Noah tell,
“I like God make bad tings happen to da Canaan ohana!
I like fo dem come jalike slave guys
Fo do da kine work dat nobody like do
Fo dea ohana guys!”
26Noah tell dis too:
“I like fo erybody tell good tings bout Da One In Charge,
Da God dat my boy Shem pray to!
But da Canaan ohana, dey goin come slaves fo da Shem ohana!
27I like God give da Jafet ohana all da land dat dey need!
I like Jafet an his peopo live togedda wit da Shem ohana,
But da Canaan ohana, dey goin come slaves fo da Jafet ohana!”
(You know, “Jafet” soun kinda like how dey tell “give big place” Hebrew language.)
28Afta da big watta come, Noah live 350 year moa. 29He was 950 year ol wen he mahke.
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Start 9: HPB
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