John 4
Jaucobʼs waal, and the watir for the saulʼs drouth. The great manʼs bairn.
1Noo, whan the Lord kent the Pharisees had word that he gaitherʼt in and bapteezʼt mair folk than John did —
2(But it was the disciples, and no Jesusʼ sel wha bapteezʼt) —
3He quat the Jewsʼ kintra‐side, and gaed awa again intil Galilee:
4And he behoved to gang athort Samaria.
5And he lichtit on a Samaria citie caʼd Sychar; nar‐haun the bit grunʼ Jaucob giʼed to Joseph.
6And Jaucobʼs waal#4:6 “They biggit better than they kent” (Emerson). Jaucob didna ken he was howkin a waal for his Lord to drink oot oʼ! was thar‐at. And Jesus, forfouchten wiʼ the way, cuist his sel doon on the waal: and it was aboot the denner‐time.
7Than thar cam a Samaria‐wumman forrit, to draw watir. Quoʼ Jesus, “Lat me have a sowp oʼ watir!”
8(His disciples had aʼ gane to the citie for meat.)
9Quoʼ the Samaria‐wumman, “Hoo isʼt that ye, bein a Jew, are seekin drink frae me, a Samaria‐wumman?” (For the Jews hae nae trokin nor neeborliness wiʼ the Samaria‐folk.)
10Quoʼ Jesus, “Gin ye kent Godʼs Gift, and wha it soud be that said ‘Gie me a sowp oʼ watir,’ ye wad hae socht frae him the Leevinʼ Watir — and gottenʼt too!”
11Said the wumman to him, “Sir, ye hae naething to lat doon the waal, and the waalʼs unco deep; whaur finʼ ye the Leevin Watir?
12“Ye canna be greater nor oor forebear Jaucob, wha gied us the waal, and slockened his ain drouth wiʼt, and the drouth oʼ his bairns — and his beasts?”
13Jesus said to her, “Wha may drink this watir wull be drouthie syne;
14“But wha drinks oʼ the watir I gie him, sal be drouthie nevirmair; for the watir I gie him sal be in him an unseen waal, springin up intil Life Eternal!”
15The wumman cryʼt oot, “Sir, lat me hae this watir! no to be drouthie, and neʼer to fash to come to the waal again!”
16Quoʼ Jesus, “Gang awa, and caʼ yere gudeman, and come again belyve!”
17But the wumman said to him, “I haena a gudeman!” Quoʼ Jesus, “Ye hae dune richt to say ye haena a gudeman;
18“For ye hae had fyve; and the ane ye hae e‐noo is no yere ain gudeman; ye spak truth thar.”
19Quoʼ the wumman, “Sir, I jalouse ye maun be a Prophet!
20“Oor forebears worshipped iʼ this vera mountain; but yere folk say Jerusalemʼs the place whaur folk soud worship —”
21Jesus pat in, “Wumman, lippen to me! the ʼoorʼs at haun, whan naither here, nor yet thar, sal they worship the Faither!
22“Ye ken‐na what ye serʼ; but we ken what we worship; and salvation comes frae amang the Jews.
23“But the ʼoor is at haun, and eʼen noo it comes, whan Godʼs ain worshippers sal worship the Faither in the truth and wiʼ the Spirit — for the Faither wad hae siclike to seek him.
24“God is a spirit; and wha worship him maun eʼen do sae iʼ the spirit and wiʼ the truth.”
25The wumman says, “I ken Messiahʼs comin, that folk caʼ ‘The Christ’; whan he comes, heʼll tell us aʼ.”
26Jesus spak — “I thatʼs noo speakin tʼye am#4:26 The Jews lookit for a Messiah to fecht the Romans; Jesus wadna let them say he was the ane. But this wumman waitit for a Messiah to schaw her the truth; to her he revealʼt his sel. ‘The Christ!’ ”
27On the back oʼ this cam the disciples, and ferlied that he soud be speakin wiʼ the wumman; but nane oʼ them speirʼt, “What are ye seekin?” nor, “Hoo isʼt that ye talk wiʼ the wumman?”
28Than the wumman, leavin her watir‐stoup, gaed awa to the citie, and cryʼt oot to the men,
29“Coʼ way! and see a man that tellʼt me aʼ that evir I did! Is he no the Messiah?”
30Then they gaed oot oʼ the citie to come till him.
31But atween times his disciples war ask‐askin him, “Maister! wull ye no eat?”
32But quoʼ he to them, “I hae meat that ye ken‐na!”
33And sae they speirʼt ane oʼ anither, “Think ye ony ane brocht him ocht to eat?”
34Quoʼ Jesus, “Itʼs meat to me to do his wull that sent me, and finish his wark!
35“Div ye no say, ‘Fowr months, and than the hairst’? But unsteek yere een and see the fields — theyʼre whitenin till the hairst eʼen noo!
36“And the shearer wins his fee, and gaithers till him an eternal hairst; and the sawer and shearer are baith blythe thegither!
37“And the auld proverb comes true ower again, ‘Ane saws, and syne anither shears!’
38“I bade ye to a hairst whauron ye hadna toiled: ither men toiled, and ye are entered on their reward.”
39And mony oʼ the Samaria‐folk lippened on him for the wummanʼs sake, wha aye threepit, “He tellʼt me aʼ that evir I did!”
40Sae whan they cam till him they besocht him to bide wiʼ them; and he stoppit twa‐thrie days thar.
41And a hantle mair believed whan they heard his ain word;
42And quoʼ they to the wumman, “Noo we believe — no for yere report — for oor ain lugs hae heard him; and noo we ken that he is the Anointit Ane, the warldʼs Saviour!”
43And twa days eftir he gaed forth again intil some oʼ the pairts oʼ Galilee.
44For Jesus his sel testifyʼt that “a Prophet had nae repute in his ain kintra‐side.”
45Syne he cam intil the pairts oʼ Galilee, and the folk thar acceptit him, for they had seen aʼ that he did at the Feast in Jerusalem; (for they as weel gaed up till the Feast).
46And ance mair he cam up till Galilee‐Cana, whaur he made the watir wine. And there was a certain hie officer, whase son was ill at Capernaum.
47As sune as he got a sough oʼ Jesus comin oot oʼ Judea intil Galilee, he gaed till him, and besocht him to come doon and heal his son; for he was in extremitie.
48Jesus answerʼt him, “Gin ye see‐na signs and ferlies, yeʼre set again believin.”
49The great man says to him, “Sir, come awa doon, ʼor my bairn dee!”
50Quoʼ Jesus to him, “Gang yere gate; yere son leeves!” The man lippened the word oʼ Jesus to him, and took the gate.
51And as he was eʼen noo gangin doon, his servants met him wiʼ, “Yere sonʼs leevin!”
52Syne he speirʼt at them the ʼoor the illness took a turn? and quoʼ they, “Yestreen, at ane oʼclock oʼ the day, the fivver gaed awa.”
53Sae the faither kent it was at that ʼoor Jesus said to him, “Yere son leeves!” and he his sel believed and his hail hoose.
54This is the second wuner‐wark Jesus did, bein come oot oʼ Judea intil Galilee.
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John 4: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.