John 7
The Feast oʼ the Bothies. Watir for drouth: the Jews wadna hae it.
1Eftir thae things, Jesus gaed up and doon aʼ Galilee; for he wadna gang iʼ the land oʼ Judea, for the Jews ettled to kill him.
2Noo the Jewsʼ Feast oʼ the Bothies was nar‐haun.
3Sae said his brethren to him, “Gang awa aff to Judea, sae that yere disciples may see yere warks that ye do!
4“For nae man dis siclike warks unkent, gin he ettles to be kent his sel. Gin ye do sic things, lat the warld see ye!”
5(For his brethren theirsels believed‐na in him).
6But quoʼ Jesus to them, “Itʼs no my time yet; your time is aye at haun!
7“The warld canna hate you: but it hates me, for I gie testimonie again it that its warks are ill.
8“Gang ye awa to this Feast: Iʼm no gaun e‐noo, for my timeʼs no here yet.”
9And syne, eftir thae words, he bade yet in Galilee.
10But eftir his brethren had gane up, he gaed up to the Feast as weel; no afore aʼ the folk, but like as it war hidlins.
11And the Jews war seekin him at the Feast; and quoʼ they, “Whaur is he?”
12And thar was an unco tulzie amang the folk anent him; for, quoʼ some, “Heʼs a gude man!” ithers said, “Na, heʼs but castin glamor ower the folk!”
13Hoosever, nane spak oot openly aboot him; for they war fleyʼt oʼ the Jews.
14Noo, aboot the mids oʼ the Feast‐time, Jesus gaed up intil the Temple to teach.
15And the Jews ferlied, and quoʼ they, “Hoo kens this man lear, yet he neʼer learned?”
16Jesus answered them, and quoʼ he, “The rede I redd isna mine, but his wha sent me.
17“Gin ony man do Godʼs wull, he sal ken aboot the rede, gin it be frae God, or gin I speak mysel, allenarlie.
18“Wha speaks allenar, oʼ his sel, seeks but his ain glorie; but wha seeks the glorie oʼ him that sent him, yon same man is leal and true; and nae fauseness in him.
19“Wasʼt no Moses that gied ye the law; and yet nane oʼ ye is keepinʼt. Hoo isʼt ye gang aboot to kill me?”
20The folk answerʼt, and quoʼ they, “Ye hae a demon; wha gang aboot to kill ye?”
21Quoʼ Jesus to them, “I hae dune ae wark, and ye aʼ ferlie.
22“Moses gied ye circumceesion (no that it is oʼ Moses, but raither oʼ the faithers), and on the Sabbath‐day ye circumceese ane.
23“Gin, than, ye on the Sabbath‐day circumceese a man, sae that Mosesʼ law be‐na broken, are ye angerʼt at me for makin a man ilka haet hale on the Sabbath‐day?
24“Judge‐na oʼ things as they seem to the ee, but judge richt judgment.”
25Than quoʼ some oʼ them oʼ Jerusalem, “Is this no he they seek to kill?
26“But look! he speaks out bauldly, and they say naething to him. Hae the rulers come to ken that this is the Anointit Ane?
27“But than we ken this man, and hoo he comes; but when the Anointit Ane sal come, nae#7:27 The Doctors oʼ the Law first pat oot a wrang description oʼ the Anointit Ane, and than condemned oor Lord afore the folk, for that he didna marrow wiʼ their description! The same is dune wiʼ Christ now; and wiʼ Christʼs folk! man kens hoo he comes!”
28Than cryʼt oot Jesus, teachin iʼ the Temple, “Ye baith ken me, and ye ken whaur I come frae. I am‐na come oʼ mysel; but he wha sent me is true — he wham ye ken‐na!
29“But I ken him; for I am frae him, and he sent me.”
30Than they socht to grip him; but as yet nae man pat hauns on him, for his ain ʼoor wasna yet come.
31And mony oʼ the folk lippenʼd on him; and quoʼ they, “Whan the Anointit comes, wull he do mair wunner‐warks than thae this man dis?”
32The Pharisees heard oʼ the folk mutterin sic things aboot him; and the Pharisees and the Heid‐priests sent oot officers to tak him.
33But Jesus gaed on — “Yet a wee while, and I am wʼye, afore I gang till him that sent me.
34“Ye may seek me, but ye winna finʼ me; and whaur I bide ye canna come!”
35Than quoʼ the Jews amang theirsels, “Whaur wull he gang that we canna finʼ him? Wull he gang awa to the here‐awa there‐awa tribes amang the Gentiles, teachin the Gentiles?
36“Whatna saying is this that he said, ‘Ye sal seek me, anʼ no finʼ me;’ and, ‘Whaur I bide ye canna come?’ ”
37Iʼ the hinmaist day, that great day oʼ the Feast, Jesus stude and cryʼt oot, “Gin ony man be drouthie, lat him eʼen come to me and drink!
38“He wha lippens on me, as it is putten doon iʼ the Scriptur, ‘Oot frae him sal flow rivers oʼ Leevin Watir!’ ”
39But this spak he oʼ the Spirit, that they sal see wha lippen on him; for the Holie Spirit wasna yet gien; for Jesus wasna yet glorifyʼt.
40And a hantle oʼ the folk, whan they heard aʼ this, said, “Surely this maun be the Prophet!”
41Ither wheen — “This is the Messiah!” But quoʼ some, “Sal the Messiah come oot oʼ Galilee?
42“Has the Scriptur no said, oot oʼ the toon oʼ Bethlehem, whaur Dauvid was?”
43Sae they war sindry iʼ their minds amang theirsels aboot him.
44And a wheen oʼ them wad fain hae laid haud oʼ him; but nae man pat haun on him.
45Than cam the officers back to the Heid‐priests and Pharisees, and quoʼ they to them, “Why hae ye no brocht him?”
46Quoʼ the officers, “Neʼer man spak like this man!”
47Quoʼ the Pharisees to them, “Are ye glamorʼd as weel?
48“Hae ony oʼ the Priests or the Pharisees lippened on him?
49“But a curse bides on this folk, wha ken‐na the law!”
50But quoʼ Nicodemus to them (the ane that cam till Jesus by nicht, and ane oʼ their sels),
51“Dis oor law condemn a man ʼor it hear him, and ken what he dis?”
52But they flang back at him, “Are ye oʼ Galilee too? Seek ye, and look — for oot oʼ Galilee comes nae Prophet!”
53And ilka man gaed till his ain hoose.
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John 7: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.