Luke 12

Fash‐na muckle aboot the body; it is but the clay‐biggin we dwall in: but be ye wyss and cannie wiʼ the tenant inʼt, the saul!
1And at a time whan the folk war that thick thegither that they war trampin ower ane anither, he begude to say to his disciples first — “Tak tent to yersels, and be ye ʼware oʼ the barm oʼ the Pharisees, whilk in sooth is pretence.
2“But naething is happit ower, that sanna be uncoverʼt — and hid awa, that sanna be brocht oot.
3“For sic things as ye tellʼt iʼ the mirk, sal be heard iʼ the licht; and what to the secret hearin ye spak iʼ the chaumer, sal be cryʼt on the hoose‐taps.
4“But I say tʼye, my freends, be na fleyʼt oʼ them wha kill the body, and eftirhaun can dae nae unco thing.
5“But Iʼse warn ye wham to dreid; ye soud dreid him wha can first kill, and than schute intil hell: aye, say I, him soud ye dreid!
6“Are‐na five sparrows sellʼt for twa bodles, in a #12:6 Tatianʼs Diatessaron: “in a noose.”widdie? And no ane amang them but God keeps in mind!
7“But the vera hairs oʼ yere heid are aʼ coontit. Be‐na fearʼt; ye are better than a hantle oʼ sparrows!
8“And I say tʼye, Ilka ane that confesses me afore men, him wull the Son oʼ Man, too, own before the Angels oʼ God.
9“But he that denyʼt me afore men, sal be clean disowned afore the Angels oʼ God.
10“And ilka ane that says a word to wrang the Son oʼ Man, it sal be forgiʼen him; but to him wha speaks wickedly again the Holie Spirit, it sanna be forgiʼen!
11“But at sic times as they bring ye up afore the kirks, and the rulers, and the authorities, ye are‐na to be in a swither, as to what ye are to reply, nor what ye are to say.
12“For the Holie Spirit sal schaw ye in that vera ʼoor, what ye are to say.”
13And ane frae ʼmang the folk spak to him, “Maister! bid my brither divide the heritage wiʼ me!”
14But he said to him, “Man, wha made me a judge, or a portioner ower ye?”
15And he said to them aʼ, “Tak tent, and keep yersels frae being sellie; for a manʼs life disna bide in his haddin or his gear.”
16And he spak a parable to them, sayin, “A particular rich manʼs grunʼ bure unco weel.
17“And he switherʼt within his sel, sayin, ‘What maun I do? for I hae nae housin, whaur I may pit aʼ my craps.’#12:17 Ambrose said, langayne, “But he had room to store them — iʼ the bosoms oʼ the puir, the hooses oʼ the weedows, and the mouʼs oʼ the orphans. Thir are the aumonaries that bide for aye!”
18“And he said, “Iʼll eʼen do this: Iʼll thraw doon the biggins oʼ my grange, and bigg lairger; and gaither in yonner aʼ my wheat, and the ootcome oʼ my grunʼ,
19“ ‘And wull say to my saul, Saul, ye hae a hantle oʼ gude things lain by for mony years to come! Tak yere ease, eat, drink, and be joyfuʼ!’
20“But God says to him, ‘Fule! on this vera nicht yere saul are they seekin frae ye! and whatna things ye hae preparʼt, whase sal they be?’
21“Sae wiʼ him that is layin‐by gear for his sel, and isna rich to God.”
22And he says to his disciples, “Be na putten‐to anent yere life — what ye may eat? nor yet for the body, what ye may be buskit wiʼ.
23“For the life is mair than the meat; and the body than the cleedin.
24“Think oʼ the craws — that they neither saw nor shear: for whilk thar is naither girnal nor barn — and God feeds them! Are ye no a hantle better nor the fowls?
25“And wha amang ye, though he be eʼer sae fain, coud add to his measur ae span?
26“Gif, than, ye canna do eʼen a vera wee thing, why, anent the lave oʼ the things, soud ye be putten‐tillʼt?
27“Tent ye weel the lilies, hoo they spring: they naither toil nor spin; and yet I say tʼye, No eʼen Solomon, iʼ the height oʼ his glorie, was brawlie buskit like ane oʼ thae!
28“Noo, gin the foggage (whilk grows the day iʼ the park, and is cuisten intil the oven the morn), God sae brawlie busks, hoo mickle mair you, ye oʼ smaʼ faith?
29“And be‐na ye aye seekin eftir what ye are to eat, and what ye are to drink; naither staun in a swither.
30“For eftir aʼ thae things the nations oʼ the world dae seek; but yere Faither kens ye need hae thae things.
31“But be ye seekin his Kingdom; and thir things sal be gien ower and aboon to ye.
32“Be‐na fearʼt, ye wee hirsel, mickle lovʼd! for weel‐pleased was yere Faither to gift ye the Kingdom.
33“Sell yere plenishin, and gie awmons: mak to ye wallets that dinna wax auld; gear nevir‐failin aboon! whaur nae reiver comes nar, nor moth dis destroy!
34“For yer heart will be whaur yere best gear is!
35“Lat yere loins be girt, and yere crusies lowin.
36“And yersels like servants lookin for their Maister, whan he comes frae the bridal; that whan he comes and tirls, straught they may open to him.
37“Weel faʼ thae servants wham the Maister, whan he comes hame, sal finʼ watchin! Truly say I tʼye, he wull gird his sel, and gar them set‐to, and comin nigh, sal serʼ them.
38“And gif aiblins he comes iʼ the second watch, or gif he comes iʼ the third watch, and finʼ it sae, weel?-?faʼ thae servants!
39“But tak ye weel tent oʼ this: Did the gudeman jalouse the ʼoor the reiver wad come, he wad hae keepit watch, and no latten his hoose be howkit throwe.
40“And ye too, be winnin ready! for in an ʼoor yeʼre no thinkin oʼ, the Son oʼ Man comes.”
41And Peter spak: “Lord div ye speak this parable to us, or to aʼ the folk?”
42And the Lord says, “Wha than, is the true leal steward, the canny ane, wham his maister wull set ower his hame‐servants, to gie them at due times the portion oʼ their meat?
43“Weel faʼ that servant, wham his maister, gif he comes, sal finʼ sae doin!
44“Truly say I tʼye, he wull set him ower aʼ that he has.
45“But gin aiblins that servant soud say within his sel, ‘My lord is lang iʼ the hame‐comin!’ and soud begin to clour the lads and the lasses, and to be eatin and drinkin, and makin his sel fou;
46“The lord oʼ that servant wull come hame in a day he looks‐na for him, and in an ʼoor when he isna takin tent; and wull cut him sindry, and wull gie him his pairt wiʼ the fause anes!
47“And the servant wha cam to ken his lordʼs wull, and naither gat his sel ready, nor wrocht oot his wull, sal be sair cloured.
48“But he that didna come to ken, and did deeds caʼin for stripes, sal hae the smaʼ punishment. And ilka ane that gat muckle, sal hae muckle required oʼ him; and frae him wha had muckle committit to him, wull they seek the mair.
49“I am come to cast oot fire on the yirth; and what wull I, gin it be luntit e‐noo?
50But a bapteezin hae I to be bapteezʼt wiʼ; and hoo fain am I till the time it be aʼ endit!
51“Think ye I cam to gie agreement on the yirth? Na, I tell ye; raither division!
52“For, frae this oot, thar sal be fyve iʼ ae hoose, dividit; thrie again the twa, and twa again the thrie.
53“Faither sal be dividit again son, and son again faither; mither again dochter, and dochter again mither; gude‐mither again gude‐dochter, and gude‐dochter again gude‐mither.”
54And he said too, to aʼ the folk, “Whan ye see a clud come up frae the wast, straucht ye say, ‘A rain is comin!’ and sae it comes aboot.
55“And whan a sooth winʼ is blawin, ye are sayin, ‘A het day wull there be!’ and it is sae.
56“Ye fause‐anes! ye can scan the face aʼ the yirth and the scaum oʼ the sky; but hoo is it ye ken‐na to jalouse this time?
57“And why, eʼen frae amang yersels, judge‐ye‐na oʼ the richt?
58“For, as ye are gaun quately wiʼ yere adversary to the Judge, tak pains, on the road, to be deliverʼt frae him; sae that he harl‐ye‐na to the Judge, and the Judge gie ye ower tae the officer, and the officer hae ye cuisten intil the prison.
59“I tell ye, in naegate sal ye come oot frae yon, till the hinmaist plack ye hae paid!”

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Luke 12: SCO1904





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