Matthew 12

Graun teachin — in field, kirk, and hoose; but ill‐mouʼd, thrawart scholars.
1At sic a time Jesus gaed on the Sabbath‐day throwe the corn; and his disciples war yap, and begude to tak haud oʼ the heids oʼ the corn, and to eat.
2But whan the Pharisees sawʼt, quoʼ they till him, “See! yer disciples are doin whatʼs no allooʼd on the Sabbath!”
3But he answerʼt them, “Hae ye no read what Dauvid did, whan he was hungerʼt, and the anes that were wiʼ him?
4“Hoo he gaed intil Godʼs Hoose, and did eat the Breid oʼ the Presence, whilk was unlawfuʼ for him to eat — and unlawfuʼ for them wiʼ him to eat — but for the priests allenarlie?
5“Or hae ye read‐na iʼ the Law, hoo on the Sabbath‐day the priests iʼ the Temple brek the Sabbath, and sin‐na?
6“But I say tʼye, Thar is Ane here, greater eʼen than the Temple!
7“But gin ye had kent the meaninʼ oʼ this, ‘I choose mercie rather than sacrifeece, ye wadna hae wytit the guiltless!
8“For the Son oʼ Man is Lord oʼ the Sabbath!”
9And he left thar‐awa, and gaed intil the kirk.
10And see! a man was thar, wiʼ a wizzenʼt haun. And they speirʼt at him, “Is it richt to heal folk on the Sabbath‐day?” that they micht wyte him.
11And said he to them: “Whatna man is amang ye, wha auchts ae sheep, anʼ ginʼ it faʼ intil a sheugh, wull he no lay haud oʼt, and tak’ it oot?
12“Hoo muckle mair, than, is a man no worth nor a sheep? And sae, it is weel to do gude on the Sabbath‐day.”
13Than said he to the man, “Rax oot yere haun!” And he raxʼt it oot; and it was restorʼt, hale and weel, like the ither.
14Than the Pharisees gaed oot, and counsellʼt thegither, how they micht mak awaʼ wiʼ him.
15But Jesus, kennin it, withdrew frae that place; and great thrangs followʼt him; and he healʼd them aʼ;
16Chairgin them that they soudna mak him kent;
17That it micht come to pass what Esaiah spak, whan he said:
18“Tent ye, my Servant, my Chosen, my Beloved! My saul is weel‐pleased in him. I wull lay my Spirit on him, and he sal schaw true judgment to the nations.
19“He sal mak nae tulzie, nor cryin; and nae man sal hear his voice iʼ the streets.
20“A dentit reed he braks‐na, and the ill‐luntit tow he staps‐na, till true judgment he sends on to victory.
21“And on his name sal the nations lippen.”
22Than was brocht till him ane possessʼd wiʼ a demon, blinʼ and dumb: and he healʼd him, sae that the dumb man spak and lookit.
23And aʼ the folk war astonishʼt: and quoʼ they, “Is this no Dauvidʼs Son?”
24But whan the Pharisees heard that, quoʼ they, “This ane casts‐na oot demons but throwe Beelzebul, the prince oʼ the demons!”
25But, kennin their thochts, he said to them, “Ilka Kingdom workin again itsel is brocht to waste; and ilka citie or hoose workin again itsel canna staun?
26“And gin Sautan cast oot Sautan, he is workin again himsel; hoo than wull he mak his kingdom staun?
27“And gin I throwe Beelzebul cast oot demons, wha casts them oot by yere ain sons? Sae they sal eʼen be yere judges.
28“But gin I by the Spirit oʼ God hae cuisten them oot, that the pooer oʼ God has come on ye!
29“Or, hoo sal ane come intil a strang manʼs hauld, and poind his gear, gin he divna first shackle doon the strang man, and than herrie his hoose?
30“He wha is isna wiʼ me is again me; and wha gaithers‐na wiʼ me, skails abreid.
31“Sae, say I tʼye, Ilka sin and blasphemie sal be forgiʼen to men; but the blasphemin oʼ the Spirit sanna be forgiʼen.
32“And wha sal speak a word again the Son oʼ Man, it sal be forgien till him; but wha sal speak again the Holie Spirit, it sanna be forgiʼen him, naither iʼ this warld, nor in that to come!
33“Mak aither gude the tree and gude the frute; or els mak ill the tree and ill the frute; for the tree is kent by its frute.
34“Ye spawn oʼ vipers! hoo are ye, bein ill, to speak gude things? for oʼ the overcome oʼ the heart the mouʼ wull speak.
35“A gude man, oot oʼ the gude treasur, feshes forth gude things, and an ill man, oot oʼ the ill plenishin, feshes forth ill things.
36“And I say tʼye, Ilka lowse word that men sal say, they sal gie accoont oʼt at the Day oʼ Judgment!
37“For by yere words sal ye be acceptit, and by yere words sal ye be hauden guilty.”
38Than some oʼ the Writers and Pharisees answerʼt, sayin, “Maister, we wad see a token frae thee!”
39But he answerʼt to them, “An ill‐doin and adulterous race seek for a token; and nae token sal be gien tillʼt, but the token oʼ Jonah the prophet.
40“For as Jonah was thrie days and thrie nichts iʼ the wame oʼ the sea‐monster, sae sal the Son oʼ Man be iʼ the heart oʼ the yirth thrie days and thrie nichts.
41“The folk oʼ Nineveh sal rise in judgment wiʼ this race, and condemn it; for they turned at Jonahʼs preachin; and mark! Ane greater nor Jonah is here!
42“The Queen oʼ the Sooth‐land sal rise up iʼ the Judgment wiʼ this race, and condemn it; for she airtit hersel frae the ends oʼ the yirth to hear Solomonʼs wisdom; and tent ye? Ane greater than Solomon is here!
43“But the foul spirit, whan it has gane frae the man, gangs oot throwe drouthie pairts, seekin rest, and finʼin nane:
44“ ‘Than,’ quoʼ he, ‘Iʼse eʼen awa back till my ain hoose, whaur I cam frae!’ And whan he comes, he finds it toom, soopit oot, and buskit braw.
45“Than gangs awa he, and takin wiʼ him seeven mair, waur nor himsel, enters in and bides thar; and that manʼs last state is #12:45 Caʼ oot the ill spirit! but dinna stop thar: welcome the Holie Spirit within! A toom hoose is the gangrelʼs invitation: and a reformation that ends short oʼ bein born again, leaʼs ane waur nor before!waur nor the first. Sae sal it be wiʼ this ill‐doin race!”
46And whan he was eʼen‐noo speakin to the folk, see! his mither and his brithers stude oot‐by, seekin to speak wiʼ him.
47And ane says till him, “See! thy mither and brithers, stauninʼ oot‐by, seekin to speak wiʼ thee!”
48But quoʼ he till him wha tellʼt him, “Wha is a mither to me? and wha are brithers oʼ mine?”
49And raxin oot his hauns toward his disciples, he says: “See ye my mither and brithers!
50“For wha sal do the wull oʼ my Faither Aboon, he is my brither, and sister, and mither!”

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Matthew 12: SCO1904





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