
Here's some JOY for ya! Go with it!
John 10:10 Man says: I want to enjoy life to its fullest! God says: I will give you more and better than you've known.
Romans 12:15 Man says: Sometimes I resent other people's success. God says: Be happy for them and you won't resent them.
2 Corinthians 2:14 Man says: There is something different I admire about you. Can't put my finger on it. God says: It's God and Christ in me who makes a difference.
Philippians 4:4 Man says: How do you stand up under all that pressure? God says: The Lord lives in me, giving me joy.
Psalm 51:12 Man says: I'd expect Christians to be pretty happy if Christianity is worth adhering to. God says: You're right. Some Christians need a restoration. Joy will return.
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