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Bibelversjoner (3322)
Språk (2172)
Lydversjoner (2035)
Etestemente Epe ✠ 1951 (KWM)
Namibian Catholic Bishops Conference
Nənɨmwi Nari Me (tnk)
Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Kwanga (kwj)
Kwara'ae (kwf)
Iimuuma Iinyaaya (kya)
Kwoma (kmo)
Shìng-King 1915 (Kwóng-Tung Wâ) (CAN)
British & Foreign Bible Society
Anatunya Buku Baepole Ole Testamene Pii Lapo dee Nuu Tesamene (KYC)
Bible Society of Papua New Guinea
Label (lbb)
A quet u tʼʌnoʼ a ricʼbenoʼ (lac)
Porciones Lacandon-Naha (PLacNaha)
Bible Society of Mexico
Zapotec, Lachixío (zpl)
Lahu Bible Edited (LHBE)
Thailand Bible Society
Lahu Shi (lhiNT)
Testament ke Siki 1960 (Kabba Laka) (KL1960)
Mbede Lə Luba Kone Gə Sigi (lap)
L’Association Tchadienne de L’alphabétisation, de la Linguistique, et de la Traduction de la Bible
Lakota Portions (LKTNT20)
American Bible Society
Chipangano Chabwangu (LalaNT)
Bible Society of Zambia
Lala NT (LLA)
The Seed Company
Júu² 'mɨɨn³² 'e³ ca²³ŋɨń² Dios (cnl)
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith) (SCO1904)
Metrical Psalms in Braid Scots 1928 (T.T. Alexander) (SCOMP)
Mushuq Testamento (qufNT)