Matiwos Dooshishiyo 11
Gupfo Yohansoke Iyesusmaants woshetswotsi
(Luk'. 7:18-35)
1Iyesus tzazihanotsi b́ danif tatse gitwotssh b́ imihakon manoki beyok man k'azk'rat bíyok karnts kitwotsitse nabonat daniyosh bíami.
2Gupfo Yohans tipi mootse b́ befere, Krstos fino b́shishtsotse b́ danif k'atswotsi woshat, 3«Weetwe eteetso neenemó? K'osho koronó?» err Iyesusi bo aatitwok'o b́woshi. 4Iyesuswere hank'o ett boosh bíaaniy, «Amr it bek'tsonat it shishts jamo Yohanssh keewwere. 5#Isa. 35:5-6; 61:1 Hambe! dogwots bek'irunee, shokltswots káwdek't sha'irune, een shodetswots s'ayinirune, waazdoogwots shishirune, k'irtswots tuwirune, t'owwtssh doo shishiyo nabeyirwee, 6T jangosh t'arat'arerawo deereke.»
7Yohans woshtswots bo amiyakon, Iyesus Yohans jango hank'o ett ashuwotssh keewo dek't b́tuu, «Aab eeg s'iiloshe woorwomants keshat it weyi? Jongi giwshirw elto s'iilisheya? 8Andoor eeg bek'ishe kesh itweyi? Sheeng tah tahdek'ts asho s'iilisheya? Sheeng tah tahtswotsiyere naash naashi mootsne bo fa'oni. 9Eshe, eegoshe it keshi? Nebiyo bek'isheya? Ee, dab nebiyiwoniyere ayidek't bogo bek'ishe etirwe itsha. 10#Mil. 3:1 Bíye ‹Hambe, n shin shinatse sha'arr, n weerindo k'anitwo t woshtso n shinats woshitwe› ett guut'etsok'one. 11Arikon itsh etirwe, máátswots boshuuts ashotse gupfo Yohansiyere bogo tuuratse, ernmó dari mengstotse ayidek't muk'efo bíyere bogfe. 12Gupfo Yohans dúúrtson tuut hambetsish b́borfetso dari mengstu ayidek'atniye biingifniyeyiri, kup'shde maak'oritwotsmó bin daatsitune.
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Luk'. 16:16 «Nebiyi jamwots boimts danonat Muse kishatse imets nemo gupfo Yohansok b́borfetso bek'on keewrnee. 14#Mil. 4:5; Mat. 17:10-13; Mar. 9:11-13 Eshe bo bokeewtso dek'osh ekitute wotiyal, weetwe eteetso Eliyas hambe, bíhe Yohansiye. 15K'ebet waaz detstso k'ewe!
16«Ernmó dúranatsi ashuwotsi egontoniya arede t s'ileti k'úúna? Shiratse bedek't botohwotsi s'eegfetst, 17‹Turaro itsh fugronee duuwatste! no jawernowere epo k'azrtee!› etiru nana'úwotsiye boariyee. 18Mank'o gupfo Yohans b́woor mááyo b́marwonat woyini bíro b́úyawo b́waare, ‹Hanwo Fo'erawoniye bíatsotse fa'oni!› bísh boeti. 19Ash na'o ando mafetst, úshfetst b́waare, ‹Hanwo! jaaletsonat weyini ushkee, t'ilsh ko'ifuuwotsnat morretswots kod'i ashe!› boeti. Wotowa bako dani telefu arik bwoto b́danet b finone.»
Aman bok'aztsatse tuutson aatsniyets kitwotsi
(Luk'. 10:13-15)
20Manats dabt Iyesus k'osh kitwotsiyere bogo ay adits keewwotsi b́ fints kitwots, naandrone boerawotse hank'o ett wok'aso dek't b́tuwi, 21#Isa. 23:1-18; Hzk'. 26:1—28:26; Iyu. 3:4-8; Amo. 1:9-14; Zek. 9:2-4 «Indowe neesha Korazine! Indowe neesha Betesayide! ititse k'aleets aditswots, T'irositsnat Sidon kitwotsitse k'alere wotink'ere manoke beyat teshts ashuwots shiyani taho tahde'er tulo boats buh de'er yoots naandrone etank'ne b́teshi! 22Mansh eshe angshi aawots, itiyere T'irosnat Sidonitse teshtswotsko fayo ketitwe etirwe. 23#Isa. 14:13-15; Aze. 19:24-28 Neewere K'frnahome!, darots n borfetso dambaan tuwo geefiya? Si'olits oot'etune! n gitsotse k'aleets aditsanotsi, Sidonitse k'alere wotink'ere kitman b t'afrawon hambetsish beyank'aniye bteshi! 24#Mat. 10:15; Luk'. 10:12 Ari keewhanatse tuutsone neesh tkeewiri, angshi aawots Sedomi fayet fayo neen fayetwoniyere ketefee!»
Krstosn kashdek'o datsetuwok'o
(Luk'. 10:21-22)
25Manoor Iyesus hank'owa bíet «Daronat datsonsh doonzo nihono! keewan dantswotsnat t'iwintsitwotssh aatsat danawwotssh n kitstsotse neen udere, 26Ee! nihono! han k'alo n shuno wotere. 27#Yoh. 3:35; 1:18; 10:5 Tnih jamkeewo taash imre, nihoniyere okoon naayo dantso konwor aaliye. Mank'o naayo niyere okoon niho dantso konwor aaliye, naayo b́kitsiyalabako konúwor niho dano falratse.
28«It angifinon maawtswotso! kuronweree itats b́mangts jamwots t maants woore! taawere kashdek'o itsh imetwe. 29#Erm. 6:16 T k'ambariyo itats kurde'eree, tiatsnowere s'iilr dande'ere, taa dingatonat ttooko dashan detsk taane, it kashush kashdek'o daatsitute. 30T k'ambaryonúwere kic'iratse, t kuronweree ketee.»
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Matiwos Dooshishiyo 11: BrnNTLtn

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