John 6

Jesus Feed Five Tousand Guys
(Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17)
1Afta dat Jesus dem go da odda side Galilee Lake. (Da peopo call um Tiberias Lake too.) 2Plenny peopo go wit him, cuz dey wen see all da awesome stuff he do fo show who him, wen he make plenny sick peopo come good. 3-4Dat time, almos time fo da Jew Passova ceremony. Jesus go sit down on top one hill wit da guys he stay teach.
5Jesus look up an see plenny peopo stay come by him. He tell Philip, “Eh, wea we goin buy food fo feed all dese peopo?” 6You know, Jesus tell dat jus fo check out Philip, cuz Jesus awready know wat he goin do.
7Philip tell um, “Gotta work mo den two hundred days fo get enuff money fo buy bread fo give all dese peopo even litto bit.”
8Andrew, he Simon Peter braddah. Andrew he one a da guys Jesus stay teach. He tell Jesus, 9“You know, get one boy hea dat get five small barley kine bread an two small fish. But how dat can feed plenny peopo? No can!”
10Had plenny grass dea. Jesus tell his guys, “Make da peopo sit down.” So dey sit um down. Had bout five tousan guys dea.
11Den Jesus take da breads, an tell God, “Mahalo plenny.” He give um to his guys, an dey give um to da peopo dat stay sit dea. Same ting wit da fish. An erybody eat plenny how dey like.
12Wen erybody get enuff fo eat, Jesus tell his guys, “Go get all da lefovas. No good wase um.” 13So dey go get da lefovas, an fill twelve big baskets wit da bread da peopo neva eat.
14Afta da peopo see dis awesome ting Jesus do fo show who him, dey tell, “Fo shua dis da Guy goin come inside da world fo talk fo God.” 15Jesus know dat da peopo goin come fo grab him fo make him come king. So he go way, an go up on top one hill wea nobody stay.
Jesus Walk On Top Da Watta
(Matthew 14:22-27; Mark 6:45-52)
16Befo dark time come, Jesus guys go down to da lake. 17Dey go inside one boat, an start fo go da odda side a da lake, Capernaum side. Was dark awready, but still yet Jesus neva come by dem. 18Den one strong wind start fo blow, an da waves stay come mo big. 19Jesus guys row da boat three o four mile, an den dey spock Jesus stay walk on top da watta. He stay come nea da boat. An dey real sked.
20But Jesus tell um, “Dis me! No sked!” 21Den dey let him come inside da boat. Right den an dea dey come da place wea dey plan fo go.
Da Peopo Stay Look Fo Jesus
22Da nex day, da peopo dat stay back dea, da odda side a da lake, dey know dat get ony one boat dea befoa. An dey know Jesus guys go way inside dat boat, but Jesus no go wit dem. 23Dey know too dat odda boats from Tiberias side come land dat side, nea da place wea Jesus Da One In Charge tell God “Mahalo plenny” an dey eat da bread. 24So, wen da peopo see dat Jesus an his guys no stay dea, dey ride da odda boats fo go Capernaum fo look fo him ova dea.
Da Bread Dat Make Us Come Alive
(Songs 78:24; 105:40)
25Dey find Jesus da odda side a da lake, an dey tell, “Eh, Teacha! Wen you wen come ova hea?”
26Jesus tell, “Dass good you guys stay look fo me. But I like tell you guys dis: You guys do um cuz I wen give you guys bread fo eat, an you guys come full. You guys no look fo me cuz I wen do awesome stuff fo show who me. 27No go work ony fo da kine food dat bumbye come no good. Work fo da kine food dat las long time an make you guys live to da max foeva! I da Fo Real Kine Guy, an I give you guys dat kine life, cuz God da Faddah give me da right fo do dat.”
28Dey tell him, “Kay den! Wat us guys gotta do, fo do da kine stuff dat God like?”
29Jesus tell, “Dis wat God like you guys fo do: Trus me, cuz I Da Guy God Wen Sen.”
30Dey tell, “Wat kine awesome ting you goin do fo show us who you, fo us guys trus you? Wat you goin do? 31#Outa 16:4, 15; Songs 78:24Oua ancesta guys wen eat da spesho manna kine bread inside da boonies, jalike da Bible tell, ‘He give um bread from da sky fo eat.’ ”
32Jesus tell dem, “Dass right! An I tell you guys dis too: No was Moses dat give yoa ancesta guys da bread from da sky. Was my Faddah, an he da One dat give you guys da real kine bread from da sky still yet. 33Cuz da bread from God, dass me, da Guy dat come down from da sky. I make da peopo inside da world come alive fo real kine.”
34Dey tell him, “Mista, give us dis kine bread, an no stop eva!”
35Jesus tell, “Me, jalike da bread. I da One make da peopo come alive fo real kine. Anybody come by me fo be my guy, dey no goin come hungry eva! Anybody trus me, dey no goin come thirsty eva!
36“Jalike I tell you guys awready, you guys see me, but you guys still yet no trus me. 37Erybody da Faddah pick fo be my guys, dey goin come by me. No way I eva goin throw out da peopo dat come by me! 38I come down from da sky. I neva come fo do any kine how I like, but fo do wat my Faddah like. He da One dat sen me. 39Dis wat da Faddah like me fo do: Erybody he pick fo be my guys, he like me fo bring dem all, an no leave out nobody. An den, I goin make dem come back alive wen da world goin come pau. 40Jalike I wen tell: dis wat my Faddah like, da One dat sen me: Erybody dat see me his Boy, an trus me, dey goin get da real kine life dat goin stay to da max foeva! An I goin make dem come back alive wen da world goin come pau.”
41Dass why da Jew guys start fo grumble bout him, cuz he tell, “I jalike da bread fo make da peopo live. I wen come down from da sky.”
42Dey tell each odda, “Eh, dis guy, he Jesus, aah? He Joseph boy! We know his faddah an muddah, aah? So, how come he tell now, ‘I come down from da sky.’?”
43Jesus tell um, “Eh! No grumble! 44My Faddah wen sen me hea. No mo nobody can come by me, if my Faddah no bring um. An I goin make dem guys come back alive from mahke wen da world goin come pau. 45#Isa 54:13Da guys dat wen talk fo God long time befo time, dey write, ‘God goin teach all da peopo.’ Erybody dat lissen da Faddah, an learn da good kine stuff from him, dey goin come by me an be my guys. 46I Da guy dat come from God, an I da ony guy dat eva see da Faddah. No mo anodda guy dat see him eva.
47“Dass right! An I like tell you guys dis too: Whoeva trus me, dey goin live to da max foeva. 48I jalike da bread, an I make peopo live to da max foeva. 49Yoa ancesta guys wen eat da manna kine bread in da boonies, but no matta, layta dey mahke. 50But dis kine bread from me, dat come down from da sky, anybody can eat dis bread. Dat mean dey can trus me, an den, dey no goin stay cut off from God. 51I da real bread. I da one fo make peopo come alive fo real kine. I wen come down from da sky. Anybody take dis bread, dey goin live to da max foeva. Dis da bread I goin give wen I mahke, az my body. An dis goin make you guys live to da max foeva.”
52Den da Jew guys start fo argue mo hard wit each odda. Dey tell, “Eh, wat dis guy stay talk bout? How he can give us his body fo eat?”
53Jesus tell um, “Eh, you guys get um! An I like tell you guys dis too: I da Fo Real Kine Guy. If you guys no lissen wat I tell you guys bout why I goin mahke, no way you guys goin come alive fo real kine. If you guys lissen, dass jalike you guys eat my body an drink my blood. 54Jalike I tell: Whoeva eat my body an drink my blood, dey goin live to da max foeva, an I goin bring um back alive wen da world goin come pau! 55Cuz my body, dass food fo real kine. An my blood, dass drink fo real kine. 56Whoeva eat my body an drink my blood lidat, dey stay tight wit me, an I stay tight wit dem. 57Da Faddah stay live fo real kine, an he wen sen me hea. I stay live too, cuz he make me live fo real kine. Whoeva take me, same ting, dey goin live, cuz I goin make dem live fo real kine. 58Dis not jalike da manna kine bread dat yoa ancesta guys wen eat, an bumbye dey mahke. Dis da kine bread dat come from God in da sky. Whoeva eat dis kine bread goin live fo real kine.”
59Jesus tell all dat wen he stay teach inside da Jew church, Capernaum side.
Da Good Kine Stuff From God Make Peopo Come Alive Foeva
60Den plenny guys dat go wit Jesus, wen dey hear all dat stuff, dey tell, “Wow! Dis stuff too hard fo tink az fo real kine!” 61But Jesus know dat his guys stay squawk lidat. So he tell um, “Wot! Dis bodda you guys? 62Eh, wat if bumbye you guys see me, da Fo Real Kine Guy, wen I go back up dea to da place wea I wen stay befo time? Den wat?
63“God Spirit, dass who make da peopo live fo real kine. Da body no can. Wat I stay tell you guys, dass from God Spirit, an dass wat make peopo live fo real kine. 64But get some a you guys dat no trus me.” Jesus tell dat cuz he know from da start who no trus him, an who goin set up him. 65An he tell, “Dass why I wen tell you guys, no mo nobody can come by me an be my guy. Ony if da Faddah like help um, den dey can come by me.”
66From dat time had plenny guys dat he teach befo time, but some a dem go back, an neva like go wit him no moa. 67So Jesus tell his twelve guys, “Eh, you guys goin go way too, o wat?”
68 # Matt 16:16; Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20 Den Simon Peter tell um, “Eh! You Da One In Charge! Wea we goin go? No mo nobody can tell us how fo live to da max foeva. You da ony one. 69An us guys trus you, cuz we know dat you da Good An Spesho One from God.”
70Jesus tell um, “I wen pick all twelve a you guys, aah? But still yet, one a you guys, he jalike one devil!” 71He mean Judas, Simon Iscariot boy. He one a da twelve guys, but laytas Judas goin set up Jesus.

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John 6: HPB





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