Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com EFÉSIOS 6:10
Break Free From Envy a Six-Day Reading Plan by Anna Light
6 Days
Now, more than ever, we are faced with everyone’s life as they want it to be seen, and the comparison to our own lives stirs up envy. You do not want this spirit festering in you, but what about the damage envy causes when it is coming against you from another person? In this reading plan, you will discover how to overcome envy, safeguard your heart, and walk in freedom.
Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism
9 Days
The spiritual disciplines serve a specific role in the Christian experience—they lead believers to become more like Jesus in our thoughts, words, and actions. How does this translate into our call to show & share the love of Jesus with others? Spiritual Disciplines & Evangelism includes eight of the spiritual disciplines designed to help you grow in your own faith in such a way that it will overflow to others!