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Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com TIAGO 4:4
Fast Like Daniel
21 Days
I don't like fasting! Let's be honest; there's nothing fun about denying yourself the foods you love and the comfortable lifestyle you enjoy. I may not like fasting, but I love the results. The Daniel Fast has CHANGED MY LIFE! If you commit to the fast and follow this plan, it's going to change yours too. Let's make room for God on this incredible journey as we Fast Like Daniel.
21 Days to Overflow
21 Days
In the 21 Days to Overflow YouVersion plan, Jeremiah Hosford will take readers on a 3-week journey of emptying themselves of themselves, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and living out an overflowing, Spirit-filled life. It’s time to stop living normally and start living an overflowing life!