Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com MIQUEIAS 5:2
Devocional De Natal (Hillsong Portugal)
6 dias
Um devocional de Natal inspirador, centrado em Jesus, que conta a história do nascimento da Esperança do mundo.
18 Dias
Numa bela prosa, Miquéias exorta os líderes de Israel e Judá a amarem a misericórdia, agirem com justiça e andarem humildemente com Deus. Viaje diariamente por Miquéias enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.
Advent: The Journey to Christmas
25 Days
Christmas is truly the greatest story ever told: one of God’s perfect faithfulness, power, salvation, and unfailing love. Let’s take a journey over the next 25 days to discover God’s intricate plan to save the world from sin and the promises fulfilled in the birth of His Son.
Children's Advent House
25 Days
Dearest Mom, does the Christmas season seem to pass you by in a flurry of excitement and chaos? This year can be different. Discover the treasure of Christ’s love with your children this Christmas! The Children’s Advent House is a beautiful twenty-five-day devotional, complete with a coordinating Advent House printable to help point your children’s hearts to the Lord and make this Christmas season the most meaningful yet!